Illustration of Çiftlik stele. Currently housed in Kayseri Museum, this is a hemicylindrical block with a flat front with the 8-line of Luwian inscription on the back written by a “servant” of Tuwati (see also Kululu ), who dedicates the text to Tarhunza, Hepat and other gods for some buildings. The “servant” probably implies a local ruler under Tuwati. Given the historical circumstances, it can be dated to the mid 8th century BC. It was discovered found in a private house in the Çiftlikköy village of Yeşilhisar in Kayseri province. With the dimension of 71 cm height and 43 cm width, flat front of the stele depicts a male figure with a badly damaged head and inscription on this side although the eight lines of Luwian inscription on the back...