With its illustration, the Karabel relief depicts a male figure (prince or a king) standing with a bow in his right hand and a spear in his left, wearing a tunic and a cone-shaped hat. This relief is referred as Karabel A (there are B,C1 and C2). Between the head of the male and the spear there are three lines of a heavily damaged hieroglyphic Luwian inscription. David Hawkins, British archaeologist, identifies the person mentioned in inscription as "Tarkasnawa, King of Mira (land).(Son of) Alantalli, King of Mira land.Grandson of (...), King of Mira land," Tarkasnawa was the ruler of Mira, a vassal kingship of the Hittite. Given the fact that its king Alantalli was contemporary with Tudhaliya IV and his son(?) Tarkasnawa was a contemporar...