FROM THE EDITORS: Persephone Press folds after eight years and fourteen books. FEMINlST VISIONS: Debut of a new column on audio-visual resources for women's studies, by Elizabeth Ellsworth. FEMINIST PUBLISHING: Primipara, Wisconsin's feminist poetry journal, by Diane Nichols. New presses: Aunt Lute Book Company and Acacia Books. WOMEN IN PRINT: International report: Plottingham Women in Booktrades Conference. Midwest update: second midwest conference scheduled for June, 1984. FEMINIST BOOKSTORES IN WISCONSIN: UPDATE: Milwaukee's Sistermoon Feminist Bookstore to close. NEWS FROM UW-GREEN BAY: UW-GB's Balanced Curriculum Project, by Jerrold Rodesch. PERIODICAL NOTES: New Periodicals: The Berkeley Women of Color; Common Ground ...