International audienceWe study the large time behavior of nonnegative solutions to the Cauchy problem for a fast diffusion equation with critical zero order absorption$$\partial_{t}u-\Delta u^m+u^q=0 \quad \quad \hbox{in} \(0,\infty)\times\real^N\ ,$$with $m_c:=(N-2)_{+}/N 1$
International audienceThe large time behavior of non-negative solutions to the viscous Hamilton-Jaco...
AbstractA potential theoretic comparison technique is developed, which yields the conjectured optima...
We consider the Fast Diffusion Equation posed in a bounded smooth domain Ω ⊂ R^d with homogeneous D...
International audienceWe study the large time behavior of nonnegative solutions to the Cauchy proble...
International audienceWe study the large time behavior of non-negative solutions to thenonlinear dif...
We study the large time behavior of non-negative solutions to the singular diffusion equation with g...
We study qualitative properties of non-negative solutions to the Cauchy problem for the fast diffusi...
AbstractWe study qualitative properties of non-negative solutions to the Cauchy problem for the fast...
We study the large time behavior of nonnegative solutions of the Cauchy problem u t = R J ( x − y )(...
AbstractWe study the large time behaviour of nonnegative solutions of the Cauchy problem, ut + ummx ...
International audienceWe study the large-time behaviour of the solutions u of the evolution equation...
AbstractWe investigate the existence of nonnegative weak solutions to the problem ut=Δ(um)−|∇u|p in ...
We study extinction profiles of solutions to fast diffusion equations with some initial data in the ...
The fast diffusion equation is analyzed on a bounded domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions, for ...
In this paper we investigate the largetime asymptotic of linearized very fast diffusion equations wi...
International audienceThe large time behavior of non-negative solutions to the viscous Hamilton-Jaco...
AbstractA potential theoretic comparison technique is developed, which yields the conjectured optima...
We consider the Fast Diffusion Equation posed in a bounded smooth domain Ω ⊂ R^d with homogeneous D...
International audienceWe study the large time behavior of nonnegative solutions to the Cauchy proble...
International audienceWe study the large time behavior of non-negative solutions to thenonlinear dif...
We study the large time behavior of non-negative solutions to the singular diffusion equation with g...
We study qualitative properties of non-negative solutions to the Cauchy problem for the fast diffusi...
AbstractWe study qualitative properties of non-negative solutions to the Cauchy problem for the fast...
We study the large time behavior of nonnegative solutions of the Cauchy problem u t = R J ( x − y )(...
AbstractWe study the large time behaviour of nonnegative solutions of the Cauchy problem, ut + ummx ...
International audienceWe study the large-time behaviour of the solutions u of the evolution equation...
AbstractWe investigate the existence of nonnegative weak solutions to the problem ut=Δ(um)−|∇u|p in ...
We study extinction profiles of solutions to fast diffusion equations with some initial data in the ...
The fast diffusion equation is analyzed on a bounded domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions, for ...
In this paper we investigate the largetime asymptotic of linearized very fast diffusion equations wi...
International audienceThe large time behavior of non-negative solutions to the viscous Hamilton-Jaco...
AbstractA potential theoretic comparison technique is developed, which yields the conjectured optima...
We consider the Fast Diffusion Equation posed in a bounded smooth domain Ω ⊂ R^d with homogeneous D...