Circa 1896-1906 Richville, North Dakota homestead wood-frame house with gaggle of geese and unidentified Buck family members. Probably Ludwig Buck, Sr. (born 1858 in Friedenstal, Bessarabia) with wife Christina Neumann and their two daughters and son. Photographer is J. J. Hochhalter, Streeter, North Dakota. Photo courtesy of Ludwig (Lewis) Jr. and Christina Graf Buck Collection.Photographic image. Black and white. Image of a farm house with a fence running around it. A group of geese, three horses, two women, one girl, and two men are visible. Richville, North Dakota homestead wood-frame house with horses, a gaggle of geese, and unidentified Buck family members. Circa 1896-1906. Photographer is J. J. Hochhalter; Streeter, North Dakota. ...