Sve je više podataka koji ukazuju da je politička ideologija važna determinanta poštovanja pravila i preporuka za borbu protiv korona virusa. Ovaj rad analizira ulogu samopozicioniranja u odnosu na levičarsku ili desničarsku ideologiju u podržavanju vladinih mera za borbu protiv pandemije COVID-19 i sprovođenju preporuka za održavanje fizičke distance u Srbiji. Istraživanje je sprovedeno onlajn, na uzorku od 656 ispitanika. Testirana su dva hijerarhijska regresiona modela u kojima su uzrast, iskustvo sa COVID-19, percepcija opasnosti koju korona virus predstavlja i politička ideologija bili prediktori: (1) podrške politici (vlade, za borbu protiv pandemije, prim. prev.) i (2) (praktikovanja, prim. prev.) fizičkog distanciranja. Rezultati po...
Right-wing populist governments in Central and South-eastern Europe are currently abusing the emerge...
Vaccination hesitation and rejection is one of the major health risks in the epidemics of any infect...
Protekle dvije godine bile su obilježene pandemijom koronavirusa. Svijet se suočio s ubojitim viruso...
There is growing research evidence that political ideology is an important determinant o...
One key to curtailing the health costs of COVID-19 is adherence to social distancing measures. Despi...
Brzo širenje pandemije COVID-19 postalo je glavni razlog zabrinutosti kako za cijelu populaciju tak...
We investigated the relationships between political beliefs regarding two aspects of the right-left...
This paper analyses the so-called “reactionary” and “progressive” attitudes towards vaccination duri...
Across the globe, societal reactions to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic revealed a close interaction ...
Nenadzorovano širjenje infekcijskih bolezni ogroža prebivalce celotnega sveta. Decembra 2019 so iz W...
The health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has grown into a political crisis. It...
In February 2020 Croatia was affected by the COVID-19 global pandemic. A challenging task of communi...
During the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. conservative politicians and the media downp...
Šajā noslēguma darbā tika veikts pētījums par to, vai Polijā, Ungārijā un Latvijā COVID-19 pandēmij...
Right-wing populist governments in Central and South-eastern Europe are currently abusing the emerge...
Vaccination hesitation and rejection is one of the major health risks in the epidemics of any infect...
Protekle dvije godine bile su obilježene pandemijom koronavirusa. Svijet se suočio s ubojitim viruso...
There is growing research evidence that political ideology is an important determinant o...
One key to curtailing the health costs of COVID-19 is adherence to social distancing measures. Despi...
Brzo širenje pandemije COVID-19 postalo je glavni razlog zabrinutosti kako za cijelu populaciju tak...
We investigated the relationships between political beliefs regarding two aspects of the right-left...
This paper analyses the so-called “reactionary” and “progressive” attitudes towards vaccination duri...
Across the globe, societal reactions to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic revealed a close interaction ...
Nenadzorovano širjenje infekcijskih bolezni ogroža prebivalce celotnega sveta. Decembra 2019 so iz W...
The health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has grown into a political crisis. It...
In February 2020 Croatia was affected by the COVID-19 global pandemic. A challenging task of communi...
During the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. conservative politicians and the media downp...
Šajā noslēguma darbā tika veikts pētījums par to, vai Polijā, Ungārijā un Latvijā COVID-19 pandēmij...
Right-wing populist governments in Central and South-eastern Europe are currently abusing the emerge...
Vaccination hesitation and rejection is one of the major health risks in the epidemics of any infect...
Protekle dvije godine bile su obilježene pandemijom koronavirusa. Svijet se suočio s ubojitim viruso...