Accounting is the language of business. lt isargued here that the proper use of this language is a challenging task, partly because thebasic accounting concepts appear to be verydifferent by their ontological nature. lt seemsthat some concepts refer to concrete things(e.g. amount of money) and these concepts arethus quite easily approachable by all users ofaccounting language. On the other hand thereseems to be accounting concepts which cannotbe properly used without understanding howthese concepts relate to the power structure inorganization. lt may even be that to ability to usethese concepts reguires certain position in anorganization
Kirja-arvioLyytikäinen, Erkki & Rekunen, Jorma & Yli-Paavola, Jaakko: Joka päivä on murre uus. Sata ...
A change in values can have a number of meanings: value systems become distributed and contradictory...
The article contains some facts about the development during the years 1745–1962 of the terminology ...
Describing sentence structure (englanti)1/2003 (107)Describing sentence structureIn this two-part ar...
Arvioitu teos:Leena Kurki & Tuukka Tomperi: Väittely opetusmenetelmänä. Kriittisen ajattelun, ar...
Kirja-arvostelu: Manufacturing advantage. Why high-performance work systems pay off / (eds.) Eilen A...
Tässä teollisuustalouden diplomityössä keskityttiin laskentatoimen ja erityisesti kustannuslaskennan...
Cash-for-childcare : consequences for working mothers / Jorma Sipilä, Katja Repo, Tapio Rissanen. Ch...
Artikkeli on Brad Absetzin haastattelu, joka on julkaistu englanniksi Life and Education in Finland ...
Home economics have been an object of study only in the last few decades and consequently the basic ...
Dale Dannefer on sosiologian ja kasvatustieteen apulaisprofessori Rochesterin yliopistossa ja Sociol...
Face-to-face vs. telephone narration (englanti)Kielenaineksetse (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 60)tuo (kiel...
Business Management Consulting – A Young and Growing Field – A profession can be defined as a group ...
Towards flexible syntax (englanti)4/1997 (101)Irja Alho (University of Joensuu; fi)TOWARDS FLEXIBLE ...
Kirja-arvioLyytikäinen, Erkki & Rekunen, Jorma & Yli-Paavola, Jaakko: Joka päivä on murre uus. Sata ...
A change in values can have a number of meanings: value systems become distributed and contradictory...
The article contains some facts about the development during the years 1745–1962 of the terminology ...
Describing sentence structure (englanti)1/2003 (107)Describing sentence structureIn this two-part ar...
Arvioitu teos:Leena Kurki & Tuukka Tomperi: Väittely opetusmenetelmänä. Kriittisen ajattelun, ar...
Kirja-arvostelu: Manufacturing advantage. Why high-performance work systems pay off / (eds.) Eilen A...
Tässä teollisuustalouden diplomityössä keskityttiin laskentatoimen ja erityisesti kustannuslaskennan...
Cash-for-childcare : consequences for working mothers / Jorma Sipilä, Katja Repo, Tapio Rissanen. Ch...
Artikkeli on Brad Absetzin haastattelu, joka on julkaistu englanniksi Life and Education in Finland ...
Home economics have been an object of study only in the last few decades and consequently the basic ...
Dale Dannefer on sosiologian ja kasvatustieteen apulaisprofessori Rochesterin yliopistossa ja Sociol...
Face-to-face vs. telephone narration (englanti)Kielenaineksetse (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 60)tuo (kiel...
Business Management Consulting – A Young and Growing Field – A profession can be defined as a group ...
Towards flexible syntax (englanti)4/1997 (101)Irja Alho (University of Joensuu; fi)TOWARDS FLEXIBLE ...
Kirja-arvioLyytikäinen, Erkki & Rekunen, Jorma & Yli-Paavola, Jaakko: Joka päivä on murre uus. Sata ...
A change in values can have a number of meanings: value systems become distributed and contradictory...
The article contains some facts about the development during the years 1745–1962 of the terminology ...