The article gives an overview af Estonian peasants settling in the Crimea in the midl91hcentury.Havingfor several centuries been under the contra! af the Golden Hordeand the Crimean Khanate, the Crimean Peninsula was annexed by Russia in 1783.The imperial colonization policy that succeeded the deportation af the Crimean Tatarsta Turkey encouraged the peasants af the Estonian and Livonian gubernias ta emigrateta the Crimea. The drivingforces behind the emigration were not only economicbut also religious. For the members af a sect led by the Prophet Maltsvet the Crimeahad become the Promised Land.Thefirst Estonian settlements in the Crimea werefoundedin 1861-1864. Their namesZamruk, Kara-Kiyat, Konchi-Shavva, etc., indicate that the Estonians...