Kao najekstremniji podžanr heavy metal-glazbe, black metal snažno karakteriziraju motivi uništenja, smrti i tame. Česte antikršćanske poruke i komercijalno usmjereni cilj šokiranja publike pridonijeli su općoj percepciji black metala kao izraza nihilizma, sotonizma ili transgresije. Međutim, takva stigmatizacija ne obuhvaća cjelovitost pojmova koji su glazbeno utjelovljeni s njezinim distorziranim zvukovima i vrištećim vokalom. Cilj je ovoga rada prevladati tu predodžbu da bi se prikazao dvostruki karakter izvornih motiva žanra, kako se to izražava putem arhetipskih i mitoloških referenci i koja se alternativa nihilizmu u stvari nudi. Takvo tumačenje dopušta da se uništenje pretvori u preduvjet ponovne izgradnje, smrt u preteču ponovnoga ro...
Heavy metal je već dugo popularna surkultura u Slovačkoj. Mada je nekima ovaj glazbeni žanr samo gla...
Research in music education has in the last decades become more attentive to musical learning throug...
Black metal uses negative language and negation as affirmation in the opposite direction to the Chri...
Kao najekstremniji podžanr heavy metal-glazbe, black metal snažno karakteriziraju motivi uništenja, ...
The subject of this thesis is the music genre black metal and how it holds nihilism as an inspiratio...
This article analizes the LP Litourgiya (2015) by Polish black metal band Batushka (commercially sty...
Melancholy, death, and the darker thought spectrum should not be considered separate from black meta...
Black Metal, eine Musikrichtung entstanden im hohen Norden Europas in den 90er Jahren des vergangene...
In his in-depth study of extreme metal, Keith Kahn-Harris (2007) states black metal has sought to pr...
This article intends to dissect black metal’s interestingly twisted relationship with decay. A deep ...
This thesis deals with satanism in metal music. First the theme of satanism is decribed, along with ...
Zło jest obecne w życiu człowieka od zarania dziejów. Od zawsze część ludzi przeraża motywując do z...
Niniejsza praca skoncentrowana jest na skrajnej black metalowej muzyce oraz jej dorosłych fanach, z ...
This study focuses on Black Metal and Death Metal music as complimentary forms of commodified evil, ...
Artykuł porusza kwestie satanizmu tzw. drugiej fali black metalu, która rozwinęła się w latach 90. X...
Heavy metal je već dugo popularna surkultura u Slovačkoj. Mada je nekima ovaj glazbeni žanr samo gla...
Research in music education has in the last decades become more attentive to musical learning throug...
Black metal uses negative language and negation as affirmation in the opposite direction to the Chri...
Kao najekstremniji podžanr heavy metal-glazbe, black metal snažno karakteriziraju motivi uništenja, ...
The subject of this thesis is the music genre black metal and how it holds nihilism as an inspiratio...
This article analizes the LP Litourgiya (2015) by Polish black metal band Batushka (commercially sty...
Melancholy, death, and the darker thought spectrum should not be considered separate from black meta...
Black Metal, eine Musikrichtung entstanden im hohen Norden Europas in den 90er Jahren des vergangene...
In his in-depth study of extreme metal, Keith Kahn-Harris (2007) states black metal has sought to pr...
This article intends to dissect black metal’s interestingly twisted relationship with decay. A deep ...
This thesis deals with satanism in metal music. First the theme of satanism is decribed, along with ...
Zło jest obecne w życiu człowieka od zarania dziejów. Od zawsze część ludzi przeraża motywując do z...
Niniejsza praca skoncentrowana jest na skrajnej black metalowej muzyce oraz jej dorosłych fanach, z ...
This study focuses on Black Metal and Death Metal music as complimentary forms of commodified evil, ...
Artykuł porusza kwestie satanizmu tzw. drugiej fali black metalu, która rozwinęła się w latach 90. X...
Heavy metal je već dugo popularna surkultura u Slovačkoj. Mada je nekima ovaj glazbeni žanr samo gla...
Research in music education has in the last decades become more attentive to musical learning throug...
Black metal uses negative language and negation as affirmation in the opposite direction to the Chri...