The management of a financial institution, like any other company, requires the use of a certain number of indicators. The first indicators to be monitored are activity and profitability indicators, then we move on to ratio analysis. The analysis of ratios has shown a certain number of limitations. Efficiency analysis has just filled in the gaps and especially the use of data envelopment analysis. This paper seeks to highlight the salient aspects surrounding the study of efficiency in financial institutions. The paper focuses on the works that have mobilized the data envelopment method in different economic spaces. The objective is to highlight the factors that have an impact on the measured efficiency, and whether these factors are common ...
This paper describes a particular methodology called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), that has been ...
The literature analysing efficiency of financial institutions has enveloped rapidly over the last ye...
The present paper examined the review of literature related to measuring relative efficiency of bank...
The management of a financial institution, like any other company, requires the use of a certain num...
The management of a financial institution, like any other company, requires the use of a certain num...
DEA has been extensively used to measure the efficiency of financial institutions. Its advantages ar...
The concepts of efficiency have received a great deal of attention in many organisations. Many diffe...
The present paper examined the review of literature related to measuring relative efficiency of bank...
This study offers an application of a non-parametric analytic technique (data envelopment analysis, ...
In a competitive environment, the quest for efficiency becomes an imperative for each firm in order ...
In this paper we analysed and compared efficiency results in the banking industry using two differen...
This paper applies Data Envelopment Analysis in measuring and analyzing the relative efficiency of 1...
The paper empirically analyzes the impact of the degree of efficiency on key performance fig-ures of...
During the past three decades, data envelopment analysis (DEA) has been successfully used for measur...
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is one of the most popular methods used for measuring the relative e...
This paper describes a particular methodology called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), that has been ...
The literature analysing efficiency of financial institutions has enveloped rapidly over the last ye...
The present paper examined the review of literature related to measuring relative efficiency of bank...
The management of a financial institution, like any other company, requires the use of a certain num...
The management of a financial institution, like any other company, requires the use of a certain num...
DEA has been extensively used to measure the efficiency of financial institutions. Its advantages ar...
The concepts of efficiency have received a great deal of attention in many organisations. Many diffe...
The present paper examined the review of literature related to measuring relative efficiency of bank...
This study offers an application of a non-parametric analytic technique (data envelopment analysis, ...
In a competitive environment, the quest for efficiency becomes an imperative for each firm in order ...
In this paper we analysed and compared efficiency results in the banking industry using two differen...
This paper applies Data Envelopment Analysis in measuring and analyzing the relative efficiency of 1...
The paper empirically analyzes the impact of the degree of efficiency on key performance fig-ures of...
During the past three decades, data envelopment analysis (DEA) has been successfully used for measur...
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is one of the most popular methods used for measuring the relative e...
This paper describes a particular methodology called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), that has been ...
The literature analysing efficiency of financial institutions has enveloped rapidly over the last ye...
The present paper examined the review of literature related to measuring relative efficiency of bank...