Evaluación de modelos hidráulicos unidimensionales y bidimensionales para la generación de mapas de inundaciones en un río de montaña

  • Navas Muñoz, María José
  • Matovelle Bustos, Carlos
  • Vélez Arcentales , Alexandra
  • Córdova, Federico
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Publication date
February 2022
Editorial Ciencia Digital
Spanish; Castilian


Introduction: The hydraulic modeling of a river is a valuable tool for forecasting its behavior for events such as floods. The city of Cuenca in Ecuador is crossed by four rivers. The Tarqui river is one of them, however, this river is considered vulnerable and with special interest in the Guzho sector area, since it presents large floods in the rainy season. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the hydraulic modeling of the Tarqui river, Guzho sector, carried out by the one-dimensional HEC-RAS and two-dimensional IBER models. Objective: Evaluating which of the models constitutes a better alternative for simulation is the objective pursued by this research. Methodology: The research design was quantitative and the evaluation of the...

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