This article presents a framework that integrates the concept of public value, known primarily in public administration and public sector economics circles, with program evaluation. We identify four components of this Evaluating for Public Value (EPV) framework. These are: (1) the “publicness” of the participant and the participant’s goals; (2) organizational credibility, which incorporates participant and stakeholder perceptions of the program, as well as the delivery organization; (3) program outcomes, with an emphasis on the value gained by program participants; and (4) broader impacts. The notion of measuring a program’s publicness is perhaps the most novel aspect of this framework. Extension professionals tend to think about who they a...
The future path of Extension will be heavily influenced by our willingness to engage in communities ...
Extension program participants tell story after story of the impact of Cooperative Extension on thei...
Public values are being promoted as a core concept in the study of public administration, in parti...
The public value poster session is a new tool for effectively demonstrating and reporting the public...
Effective Cooperative Extension programs produce important private and public value for individuals,...
Extension has developed a strong evaluation culture across the system for the last 15 years. Yet mea...
Government budget crises have compelled state Extension Services to defend their receipt of state an...
Purpose- This article aims to address public value by assessing public programs and services' succes...
SUMMARY: The “What if” in the evaluation of public programs: An appraisal of methodologies and ...
Extension professionals are increasingly encouraged to engage in practices that can advance the publ...
Extension has begun to embrace the public value movement that originated in public administration ci...
© 2000 Dr. Delwyn Anne Evelyn GoodrickProgram evaluation is a relatively new profession charged with...
As funding opportunities are shifting and competitions for grant dollars increase, Extension program...
This article provides the contextualisation of public value theory and its measurement in Public Ad...
Extension professionals must demonstrate organizational value to garner public awareness and support...
The future path of Extension will be heavily influenced by our willingness to engage in communities ...
Extension program participants tell story after story of the impact of Cooperative Extension on thei...
Public values are being promoted as a core concept in the study of public administration, in parti...
The public value poster session is a new tool for effectively demonstrating and reporting the public...
Effective Cooperative Extension programs produce important private and public value for individuals,...
Extension has developed a strong evaluation culture across the system for the last 15 years. Yet mea...
Government budget crises have compelled state Extension Services to defend their receipt of state an...
Purpose- This article aims to address public value by assessing public programs and services' succes...
SUMMARY: The “What if” in the evaluation of public programs: An appraisal of methodologies and ...
Extension professionals are increasingly encouraged to engage in practices that can advance the publ...
Extension has begun to embrace the public value movement that originated in public administration ci...
© 2000 Dr. Delwyn Anne Evelyn GoodrickProgram evaluation is a relatively new profession charged with...
As funding opportunities are shifting and competitions for grant dollars increase, Extension program...
This article provides the contextualisation of public value theory and its measurement in Public Ad...
Extension professionals must demonstrate organizational value to garner public awareness and support...
The future path of Extension will be heavily influenced by our willingness to engage in communities ...
Extension program participants tell story after story of the impact of Cooperative Extension on thei...
Public values are being promoted as a core concept in the study of public administration, in parti...