Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel SosialisasiPerpajakan, Kualitas Pelayanan dan Pemahaman Peraturan Perpajakan terhadapKepatuhan Wajib Pajak UMKM Di Kabupaten Banyumas. Sampel berjumlah100 wajib pajak UMKM di Kabupaten Banyumas dengan menggunakan rumusSlovin yaitu minimum 100 sampel dari jumlah 38.642 populasi. Teori yang digunakan yaitu Teori Kepatuhan (Compliance Theory). Teorikepatuhan menjelaskan bahwa kepatuhan atau sikap patuh dan disiplin inndividuuntuk menaati suatu peraturan yang berlaku dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal danekternal yang akan mempengaruhi seseorang untuk memenuhi kewajibannya. Kepatuhan wajib pajak untuk memenuhi kewajiban pajaknya dapatdipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu faktor inte...
Motor vehicle tax is a regional tax collected by the government, the more taxes collected will impro...
The impact of valuable services for taxpayers will increase the aware-ness and compliance of taxpaye...
This study aims to get empirical evidence the effect of service quality on corporate taxpayer compli...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan pajak, sosialisasi pajak, dan sa...
This study aimed to examine the effect of the socialization taxes, quality of service, and the taxpa...
This study aims to determine the effect of Tax Socialization, Tax Sanctions, and Service Quality of...
This research aimed to know the effect ofSelf AssessmentImplementation, Taxation Socialization, Taxa...
This study aims to determine whether the variables of socialization, understanding and awareness of ...
This study aims to determine the effect of taxation socialization, tax service quality and tax rates...
Penerimaan negara Indonesia paling banyak berasal dari sektor penerimaan pajak. Salah satu jenis paj...
This study aims to determine the effect of tax socialization, taxpayer awareness, quality of tax ser...
This research aims to analyze the effect of taxpayer awareness, socialization of taxation, the servi...
This study aims to examine whether there is an influence between the understanding of regulations an...
ABSTRACTThis study aims to examine and analyze the effect of taxation socialization, knowledge of ta...
This research wants to know the effect of socialization, understanding of taxation, quality of tax s...
Motor vehicle tax is a regional tax collected by the government, the more taxes collected will impro...
The impact of valuable services for taxpayers will increase the aware-ness and compliance of taxpaye...
This study aims to get empirical evidence the effect of service quality on corporate taxpayer compli...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan pajak, sosialisasi pajak, dan sa...
This study aimed to examine the effect of the socialization taxes, quality of service, and the taxpa...
This study aims to determine the effect of Tax Socialization, Tax Sanctions, and Service Quality of...
This research aimed to know the effect ofSelf AssessmentImplementation, Taxation Socialization, Taxa...
This study aims to determine whether the variables of socialization, understanding and awareness of ...
This study aims to determine the effect of taxation socialization, tax service quality and tax rates...
Penerimaan negara Indonesia paling banyak berasal dari sektor penerimaan pajak. Salah satu jenis paj...
This study aims to determine the effect of tax socialization, taxpayer awareness, quality of tax ser...
This research aims to analyze the effect of taxpayer awareness, socialization of taxation, the servi...
This study aims to examine whether there is an influence between the understanding of regulations an...
ABSTRACTThis study aims to examine and analyze the effect of taxation socialization, knowledge of ta...
This research wants to know the effect of socialization, understanding of taxation, quality of tax s...
Motor vehicle tax is a regional tax collected by the government, the more taxes collected will impro...
The impact of valuable services for taxpayers will increase the aware-ness and compliance of taxpaye...
This study aims to get empirical evidence the effect of service quality on corporate taxpayer compli...