This study investigates the impact that reading aloud has on receptive vocabulary for youngerlearners. It takes the current environment of English language learning within Swedish schoolsinto account and explores several language acquisition theories that are deemed instrumental indeveloping a foundation for receptive vocabulary, as well as contrasting and comparing with howthe method of reading aloud has an impact on language learning. The study will also investigatehow this method differs among first- and second- or foreign-language learners. Through thesynthesis of multiple research articles that have been made on the subject, we discover that thepositive effects of a read aloud experience translate to a greater understanding of receptiv...
The purpose of this study is to describe the variation in how preschool teachers relate to reading a...
In order to learn a language, it is important to develop a vocabulary because it facilitates the lan...
The purpose of this study is to see how reading aloud is prioritized and practiced in preschool. The...
This study investigates the impact that reading aloud has on receptive vocabulary for youngerlearner...
This research study explores to what extent reading aloud is beneficial for vocabulary acquisition. ...
Reading aloud can be viewed as an effective teaching strategy that allows pupils to improvetheir Eng...
Using read-aloud as a reading tool in the classroom allows students to connect with books and other ...
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare använder sig av högläsning i undervisning för att frä...
Reading aloud. A phenomenographic study of educators' work with and perceptions of reading aloud in ...
För att eleverna ska utveckla språket och ordförrådet samt förstå det lästa är högläsning med språku...
Hösten 2016 genomförde vi en studie i en svensk grundskola i en årskurs 2 med syfte att kartlägga nå...
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om vad högläsning kan ha för betydelse för elevers läsfö...
Based on the previous review (Levin & Sjöstedt.2016) we discovered that reading aloud was an ad...
The aim of this study is to shed light on the educators´ insight and knowledge about the effects on ...
I litteraturstudien behandlas högläsning och dess inverkan på elevers läsinlärning ochspråkutvecklin...
The purpose of this study is to describe the variation in how preschool teachers relate to reading a...
In order to learn a language, it is important to develop a vocabulary because it facilitates the lan...
The purpose of this study is to see how reading aloud is prioritized and practiced in preschool. The...
This study investigates the impact that reading aloud has on receptive vocabulary for youngerlearner...
This research study explores to what extent reading aloud is beneficial for vocabulary acquisition. ...
Reading aloud can be viewed as an effective teaching strategy that allows pupils to improvetheir Eng...
Using read-aloud as a reading tool in the classroom allows students to connect with books and other ...
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare använder sig av högläsning i undervisning för att frä...
Reading aloud. A phenomenographic study of educators' work with and perceptions of reading aloud in ...
För att eleverna ska utveckla språket och ordförrådet samt förstå det lästa är högläsning med språku...
Hösten 2016 genomförde vi en studie i en svensk grundskola i en årskurs 2 med syfte att kartlägga nå...
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om vad högläsning kan ha för betydelse för elevers läsfö...
Based on the previous review (Levin & Sjöstedt.2016) we discovered that reading aloud was an ad...
The aim of this study is to shed light on the educators´ insight and knowledge about the effects on ...
I litteraturstudien behandlas högläsning och dess inverkan på elevers läsinlärning ochspråkutvecklin...
The purpose of this study is to describe the variation in how preschool teachers relate to reading a...
In order to learn a language, it is important to develop a vocabulary because it facilitates the lan...
The purpose of this study is to see how reading aloud is prioritized and practiced in preschool. The...