The article presents an analysis of the color evolution of tenement houses in Wroclaw in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Their various colors, confirmed by research, prove the term “Colorful Wroclaw”, appearing in the 1930s the architectural journals. The considerations were supported, i.e., by iconographic material presenting the varied colors of renovated tenement houses in Wroclaw. The aim of this analysis is to show the role of scientific and conservation research in restoring the historical value of buildings. Examples of tenement house restoration projects show the practical application of scientific research to formulate conservation guidelines and organize renovation work. Renovation work also requires traditional and increasingl...
The purpose of the article is to present the color trends of the Werkbund model housing estates (192...
Is the conservation of post-German inscriptions on tenement houses an example of a change in thinkin...
W latach 1998-2009 w Brzegu (województwo opolskie) prowadzone były prace remontowe przy kamienicach ...
Colour has leading complex role in forming living environment. It brings information on many levels ...
This article presents historical information about a townhouse located at 4 Rynok Square in Lviv, Uk...
Residential buildings dating back to the late 19th and early 20th century constitute an important el...
W artykule poruszono problematykę wprowadzania zmian konstrukcyjnych w obiekcie zabytkowym na przykł...
Kolor we wnętrzach mieszkalnych kształtuje najbliższe otoczenie człowieka. Wpływ na użycie poszczegó...
The wooden church in Boguszyce near Rawa Mazowiecka, as it looks today, was founded by Wojciech Bogu...
Aleksandra Joanna Młynarska in the paper Is the conservation of post-German inscriptions on tenement...
Renovation of the colour of the facades on examples of Prague's Baroque architecture Abstract The pr...
Historical buildings and their decorative apparatus have a key role in the transmission of national ...
Elewacje XX-wiecznych budynków pokrytych tynkami szlachetnymi wciąż są traktowane z dużą nonszalancj...
A set of conservation and restoration problems has been presented with concern to a tenement house s...
Zagadnienia poruszane w artykule są związane z wieloletnimi badaniami autorki prowadzonymi w dziedzi...
The purpose of the article is to present the color trends of the Werkbund model housing estates (192...
Is the conservation of post-German inscriptions on tenement houses an example of a change in thinkin...
W latach 1998-2009 w Brzegu (województwo opolskie) prowadzone były prace remontowe przy kamienicach ...
Colour has leading complex role in forming living environment. It brings information on many levels ...
This article presents historical information about a townhouse located at 4 Rynok Square in Lviv, Uk...
Residential buildings dating back to the late 19th and early 20th century constitute an important el...
W artykule poruszono problematykę wprowadzania zmian konstrukcyjnych w obiekcie zabytkowym na przykł...
Kolor we wnętrzach mieszkalnych kształtuje najbliższe otoczenie człowieka. Wpływ na użycie poszczegó...
The wooden church in Boguszyce near Rawa Mazowiecka, as it looks today, was founded by Wojciech Bogu...
Aleksandra Joanna Młynarska in the paper Is the conservation of post-German inscriptions on tenement...
Renovation of the colour of the facades on examples of Prague's Baroque architecture Abstract The pr...
Historical buildings and their decorative apparatus have a key role in the transmission of national ...
Elewacje XX-wiecznych budynków pokrytych tynkami szlachetnymi wciąż są traktowane z dużą nonszalancj...
A set of conservation and restoration problems has been presented with concern to a tenement house s...
Zagadnienia poruszane w artykule są związane z wieloletnimi badaniami autorki prowadzonymi w dziedzi...
The purpose of the article is to present the color trends of the Werkbund model housing estates (192...
Is the conservation of post-German inscriptions on tenement houses an example of a change in thinkin...
W latach 1998-2009 w Brzegu (województwo opolskie) prowadzone były prace remontowe przy kamienicach ...