Quantum error correction can preserve quantum information in the presence of local errors, but correlated errors are fatal. For superconducting qubits, high-energy particle impacts from background radioactivity produce energetic phonons that travel throughout the substrate and create excitations above the superconducting ground state, known as quasiparticles, which can poison all qubits on the chip. We use normal metal reservoirs on the chip back side to downconvert phonons to low energies where they can no longer poison qubits. We introduce a pump-probe scheme involving controlled injection of pair-breaking phonons into the qubit chips. We examine quasiparticle poisoning on chips with and without back-side metallization and demonstrate a r...
Leakage of quantum information out of computational states into higher energy states represents a ma...
Quantum states are usually fragile which makes quantum computation being not as stable as classical ...
Non-equilibrium quasiparticles can deteriorate the performance of superconducting qubits by reducing...
Quantum error correction can preserve quantum information in the presence of local errors, but corre...
Quantum computers have the potential to solve critical problems that are intractable on conventional...
Quantum error correction will be an essential ingredient in realizing fault-tolerant quantum computi...
Identifying, quantifying, and suppressing decoherence mechanisms in qubits are important steps towar...
Out of equilibrium quasiparticles (QPs) are one of the main sources of decoherence in superconductin...
As quantum coherence times of superconducting circuits have increased from nanoseconds to hundreds o...
In the endeavour to make quantum computers a reality, integrated superconducting circuits have becom...
Phonons, the ubiquitous quanta of vibrational energy, play a vital role in the performance of many q...
Designing the spatial profile of the superconducting gap -- gap engineering -- has long been recogni...
The performance of superconducting qubits is degraded by a poorly characterized set of energy source...
Nonpairwise multi-qubit interactions present a useful resource for quantum information processors. T...
The storage and processing of quantum information are susceptible to external noise, resulting in co...
Leakage of quantum information out of computational states into higher energy states represents a ma...
Quantum states are usually fragile which makes quantum computation being not as stable as classical ...
Non-equilibrium quasiparticles can deteriorate the performance of superconducting qubits by reducing...
Quantum error correction can preserve quantum information in the presence of local errors, but corre...
Quantum computers have the potential to solve critical problems that are intractable on conventional...
Quantum error correction will be an essential ingredient in realizing fault-tolerant quantum computi...
Identifying, quantifying, and suppressing decoherence mechanisms in qubits are important steps towar...
Out of equilibrium quasiparticles (QPs) are one of the main sources of decoherence in superconductin...
As quantum coherence times of superconducting circuits have increased from nanoseconds to hundreds o...
In the endeavour to make quantum computers a reality, integrated superconducting circuits have becom...
Phonons, the ubiquitous quanta of vibrational energy, play a vital role in the performance of many q...
Designing the spatial profile of the superconducting gap -- gap engineering -- has long been recogni...
The performance of superconducting qubits is degraded by a poorly characterized set of energy source...
Nonpairwise multi-qubit interactions present a useful resource for quantum information processors. T...
The storage and processing of quantum information are susceptible to external noise, resulting in co...
Leakage of quantum information out of computational states into higher energy states represents a ma...
Quantum states are usually fragile which makes quantum computation being not as stable as classical ...
Non-equilibrium quasiparticles can deteriorate the performance of superconducting qubits by reducing...