Since substantial research has shown that a physically active lifestyle is a fundamental component of health, there exists a need to investigate why the majority of individuals do not adhere to an exercise program on a long-term basis. The purpose of this study was to examine the degree to which previous adherence, physical fitness, behavioral intervention, and exercise self-efficacy predict exercise adherence. There were 52 male and 44 female participants in this study ranging in age from 19 to 72 years. All subjects completed the same written and physical evaluations and participated in the same fitness program. Subjects were divided into three groups (experimental: n=34, comparison: n=33, and control: n=29). The experimental ...
Background/Objective. Physical exercise plays a key role in the prevention and prognosis of chronic ...
Currently, many Americans spend extended periods of time in sedentary activities, potentially contri...
The purpose of this study was to examine levels of exercise self-efficacy and physical activity adhe...
There are many factors that influence adherence to an exercise program. This research study aimed to...
Maintenance of regular exercise is important from a number of perspectives, including medical and ps...
In this study of exercise adherence among traditional-age college students, a number of variables ...
The present study explored the mediation role of past exercise adherence, self-reported frequency an...
The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine factors related to physical activity adherenc...
This study aimed at investigating the factors predictive of exercise for short-term (i.e., at least ...
Research on lifestyle physical activity interventions suggests that they help individuals meet the n...
Bibliography: pages [77]-88.The purpose of this study was to investigate several possible characteri...
The present study explored the mediation role of past exercise adherence, self-reported frequency an...
Background: Adherence to exercise interventions is the cornerstone of a successful rehabilitation pr...
This study aimed at investigating the factors predictive of exercise for short-term (i.e., at least ...
Background. This study determines the effects of a behavioral program on exercise adherence (step co...
Background/Objective. Physical exercise plays a key role in the prevention and prognosis of chronic ...
Currently, many Americans spend extended periods of time in sedentary activities, potentially contri...
The purpose of this study was to examine levels of exercise self-efficacy and physical activity adhe...
There are many factors that influence adherence to an exercise program. This research study aimed to...
Maintenance of regular exercise is important from a number of perspectives, including medical and ps...
In this study of exercise adherence among traditional-age college students, a number of variables ...
The present study explored the mediation role of past exercise adherence, self-reported frequency an...
The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine factors related to physical activity adherenc...
This study aimed at investigating the factors predictive of exercise for short-term (i.e., at least ...
Research on lifestyle physical activity interventions suggests that they help individuals meet the n...
Bibliography: pages [77]-88.The purpose of this study was to investigate several possible characteri...
The present study explored the mediation role of past exercise adherence, self-reported frequency an...
Background: Adherence to exercise interventions is the cornerstone of a successful rehabilitation pr...
This study aimed at investigating the factors predictive of exercise for short-term (i.e., at least ...
Background. This study determines the effects of a behavioral program on exercise adherence (step co...
Background/Objective. Physical exercise plays a key role in the prevention and prognosis of chronic ...
Currently, many Americans spend extended periods of time in sedentary activities, potentially contri...
The purpose of this study was to examine levels of exercise self-efficacy and physical activity adhe...