This bilingual magazine was created and produced by the 55 students in a course called Publication Workshop, which is offered by Lingnan’s Department of Translation. Dr. Roberta Raine, as the teacher for this course, his role as “Editor-in-Chief” has been to guide the students in learning hands-on, through practical experience what is involved in publishing a magazine. The students have been responsible for every step of the process: brainstorming ideas for articles, writing, translating, editing, finding photos and artwork, designing, proofreading, preparing the magazine for printing, and distribution. 這本雙語雜誌是由嶺南大學翻譯系修讀”出版工作坊”的55名學生精心編著的。在此過程中,Dr. Roberta Raine 作為任課老帥兼「主編」,引導學生在實踐中來學習。從擬稿、寫作、翻譯、編輯、後期美工設計、校對、印刷到最後的派發,學生們在每個步驟上都身體力行。https://...