Electrocardiograms (ECGs) provide important information for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases. In clinical practice, the conventional Ag/AgCl electrode is generally used; however, it is not suitable for long-term ECG measurement because of the risk of allergic reactions on the skin and the dying issue of electrolytic gels. In previous studies, several dry electrodes have been proposed to address these issues. However, most dry electrodes, which are the mode of conductive materials, have to contact the skin well and are easily affected by motion artifacts in daily life. In the smart clothes developed in this study, a noncontact electrode was used to assess the biopotential across the clothes to prevent skin irritation and discomfort. Moreov...
Being able to monitor the heart activity of patients during their daily life in a reliable, comforta...
In the area of biomedical signal monitoring, wearable electronics represents a dynamically growing f...
The continuous and long-term measurement and monitoring of physiological signals such as electrocard...
Recording high quality biosignals by dry textile electrodes is a common challenge in medical health ...
Smart clothing that can measure electrocardiogram (ECG) signals and monitor the health status of peo...
The heart is a fundamental organ of the human circulatory system and the continuous measurement of e...
The continuous and long-term measurement and monitoring of physiological signals such as electrocard...
Goal: To evaluate a novel kind of textile electrodes based on woven fabrics treated with PEDOT:PSS, ...
Advances in polymers, soft-electronics, biosensors and mobile communication, have led to a growing i...
© 2018 Elsevier Inc. High medical expenditure on chronic diseases in recent years promotes proactive...
Wearable sensors have great potential uses in personal health monitoring systems, in which textile-b...
Electrocardiogram (ECG) wearable smart textile has received a lot of attention due to its high flexi...
Wearable technologies represent the new frontier of vital sign monitoring in different applications,...
This paper describes a comparative analysis of a new wearable system based on E-Textile electrodes f...
Due to the low-cost fabrication, printing electronics on flexible substrates shows great potential i...
Being able to monitor the heart activity of patients during their daily life in a reliable, comforta...
In the area of biomedical signal monitoring, wearable electronics represents a dynamically growing f...
The continuous and long-term measurement and monitoring of physiological signals such as electrocard...
Recording high quality biosignals by dry textile electrodes is a common challenge in medical health ...
Smart clothing that can measure electrocardiogram (ECG) signals and monitor the health status of peo...
The heart is a fundamental organ of the human circulatory system and the continuous measurement of e...
The continuous and long-term measurement and monitoring of physiological signals such as electrocard...
Goal: To evaluate a novel kind of textile electrodes based on woven fabrics treated with PEDOT:PSS, ...
Advances in polymers, soft-electronics, biosensors and mobile communication, have led to a growing i...
© 2018 Elsevier Inc. High medical expenditure on chronic diseases in recent years promotes proactive...
Wearable sensors have great potential uses in personal health monitoring systems, in which textile-b...
Electrocardiogram (ECG) wearable smart textile has received a lot of attention due to its high flexi...
Wearable technologies represent the new frontier of vital sign monitoring in different applications,...
This paper describes a comparative analysis of a new wearable system based on E-Textile electrodes f...
Due to the low-cost fabrication, printing electronics on flexible substrates shows great potential i...
Being able to monitor the heart activity of patients during their daily life in a reliable, comforta...
In the area of biomedical signal monitoring, wearable electronics represents a dynamically growing f...
The continuous and long-term measurement and monitoring of physiological signals such as electrocard...