SOX9 has distinct roles in the formation and progression of different non-small cell lung cancer histotypes

  • Bao, Jie
  • Närhi, Katja
  • Teodosio, Ana
  • Hemmes, Annabrita
  • Linnavirta, Nora M.
  • Mäyränpää, Mikko
  • Salmenkivi, Kaisa
  • Le Quesne, John
  • Verschuren, Emmy W.
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Publication date
September 2021


The transcription factor SOX9 is a key regulator of multiple developmental processes and is frequently re-expressed in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Its precise role in the progression of NSCLC histotypes has, however, remained elusive. We show that SOX9 expression relates to poor overall survival and invasive histopathology in human non-mucinous adenocarcinoma and is absent in murine early minimally invasive and low in human in situ adenocarcinoma. Interestingly, despite wide SOX9 expression across advanced NSCLC histotypes, its genetic deletion in the murine Kras(G12D);Lkb1(fl/fl) model selectively disrupted only the growth of papillary NSCLC, without affecting the initiation of precursor lesions or growth of mucinous or squamous ti...

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