La predicció de fallides va reunir un interès creixent en la investigació des de 1968, quan Altman va introduir el model innovador de predicció de fallides: Altman Z-score. El transport aeri va ser una de les indústries de més ràpid creixement, oferint més de 80 milions de llocs de treball a tot el món i contribuint amb un 8% al producte interior brut. La indústria aèria europea està molt fragmentada perquè la majoria dels membres de la Unió Europea consideren important tenir una companyia aèria nacional. No obstant això, més de la meitat dels beneficis de tota la indústria són compartits per quatre grans companyies aèries, la qual cosa deixa altres companyies aèries en una situació difícil. És crucial determinar el risc de dificultat...
Introduction: in 1968, Altman developed a multivariable predictive Z-score model to assess the proba...
Based on the calculation of the Altman model in predicting bankrupt at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Pe...
Based on the calculation of the Altman model in predicting bankrupt at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (P...
Since 1979, 150 airlines have filed for bankruptcy. The airline industry was officially deregulated ...
Purpose: To determine the predictive capacity of two Z scoring models in situations of bankruptcy in...
The airline industry plays an important role in the global economy but faces financial challenges. N...
Altman’s 1968 discriminant model has been presented as a useful prediction tool for the two years pr...
In this article, it is mention that Altman Z – Score model is tool which may be used to predict the ...
This study aims to determine the prediction of bankruptcy at PT BPR Primaesa Sejahtera Manado using ...
The purpose of this study is to determine the level of corporate bankruptcy. The analysis in this st...
U ovom radu biti će riječi o krizi, glavnim uzorcima krize, stečaju, te modelima za predviđanje steč...
Διπλωματική εργασία--Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2015.This paper examines the efficiency o...
The improper company’s financial condition can affect the company’s performance to stay on track in ...
Bankruptcy prediction of economic institutions is considered a necessary matter at the present time ...
The purpose of this paper is firstly to review the literature on the efficacy and importance of the ...
Introduction: in 1968, Altman developed a multivariable predictive Z-score model to assess the proba...
Based on the calculation of the Altman model in predicting bankrupt at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Pe...
Based on the calculation of the Altman model in predicting bankrupt at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (P...
Since 1979, 150 airlines have filed for bankruptcy. The airline industry was officially deregulated ...
Purpose: To determine the predictive capacity of two Z scoring models in situations of bankruptcy in...
The airline industry plays an important role in the global economy but faces financial challenges. N...
Altman’s 1968 discriminant model has been presented as a useful prediction tool for the two years pr...
In this article, it is mention that Altman Z – Score model is tool which may be used to predict the ...
This study aims to determine the prediction of bankruptcy at PT BPR Primaesa Sejahtera Manado using ...
The purpose of this study is to determine the level of corporate bankruptcy. The analysis in this st...
U ovom radu biti će riječi o krizi, glavnim uzorcima krize, stečaju, te modelima za predviđanje steč...
Διπλωματική εργασία--Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2015.This paper examines the efficiency o...
The improper company’s financial condition can affect the company’s performance to stay on track in ...
Bankruptcy prediction of economic institutions is considered a necessary matter at the present time ...
The purpose of this paper is firstly to review the literature on the efficacy and importance of the ...
Introduction: in 1968, Altman developed a multivariable predictive Z-score model to assess the proba...
Based on the calculation of the Altman model in predicting bankrupt at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Pe...
Based on the calculation of the Altman model in predicting bankrupt at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (P...