Rhab' do.chro.ma' tium. Gr. n. rhabdos a rod; Gr. n. chromatium color, paint; M.L. neut. n. Rhabdochromatium colored rod. Proteobacteria / Gammaproteobacteria / Chromatiales / Chromatiaceae / Rhabdochromatium Cells straight or slightly bent rods, motile by a polar tuft of flagella, multiply by binary fission. Gram negative, belong to the Gammaproteobacteria, and contain internal photosynthetic membranes of vesicular type in which the photosynthetic pigments bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids are located. The mol% G + C of the DNA is: 60.4. Type species: Rhabdochromatium marinum Dilling, Liesack and Pfennig 1996, 362 (Effective publication: Dilling, Liesack and Pfennig 1995, 130.