Domestic and family violence perpetrators commonly use technology such as phones and other devices as a weapon to control and entrap victims and survivors, alongside other forms of abuse. This “digital coercive control” is not bound to a particular location and can follow targets anywhere, any time they access devices or digital media.For women outside urban Australia, technology-enabled abuse can pose more risk than for those in cities. In research funded by the Australian Institute of Criminology, we spoke to 13 such women who have been subjected to digital coercive control to understand what it is like
This article describes domestic violence as a key context of online misogyny, foregrounding the role...
This article describes domestic violence as a key context of online misogyny, foregrounding the role...
The World Health Organisation estimates that, globally, almost one-third of women who have been in a...
Technology increasingly features in intimate relationships and is used by domestic violence perpetra...
This paper examines the use of digital technologies by domestic violence perpetrators, which we beli...
Domestic violence is a pervasive social problem in Australia. Digital media are increasingly integra...
Domestic violence is a pervasive social problem in Australia. Digital media are increasingly integra...
The abuse of technology by perpetrators of domestic violence is ‘spaceless’; however, in this articl...
Technology-facilitated domestic violence is an emerging issue for social workers and other service p...
This project explored the impact of technology on victim–survivors of intimate partner violence in r...
Recently, Australian governments have given considerable attention to developing strategies to tackl...
Technology is increasingly used by perpetrators of domestic violence to control, coerce, abuse, hara...
Introduction. In the late 2000s smart phones became more readily available and year on year there ha...
The use of technology, including smartphones, cameras, Internet-connected devices, computers and pla...
Internet-enabled technology can be empowering for victims of domestic violence, by providing them wi...
This article describes domestic violence as a key context of online misogyny, foregrounding the role...
This article describes domestic violence as a key context of online misogyny, foregrounding the role...
The World Health Organisation estimates that, globally, almost one-third of women who have been in a...
Technology increasingly features in intimate relationships and is used by domestic violence perpetra...
This paper examines the use of digital technologies by domestic violence perpetrators, which we beli...
Domestic violence is a pervasive social problem in Australia. Digital media are increasingly integra...
Domestic violence is a pervasive social problem in Australia. Digital media are increasingly integra...
The abuse of technology by perpetrators of domestic violence is ‘spaceless’; however, in this articl...
Technology-facilitated domestic violence is an emerging issue for social workers and other service p...
This project explored the impact of technology on victim–survivors of intimate partner violence in r...
Recently, Australian governments have given considerable attention to developing strategies to tackl...
Technology is increasingly used by perpetrators of domestic violence to control, coerce, abuse, hara...
Introduction. In the late 2000s smart phones became more readily available and year on year there ha...
The use of technology, including smartphones, cameras, Internet-connected devices, computers and pla...
Internet-enabled technology can be empowering for victims of domestic violence, by providing them wi...
This article describes domestic violence as a key context of online misogyny, foregrounding the role...
This article describes domestic violence as a key context of online misogyny, foregrounding the role...
The World Health Organisation estimates that, globally, almost one-third of women who have been in a...