The work is dedicated to the description of features of development and realization of a route of ec...
In this article the author considers architectural planning features of tourist complexes organizati...
Kirichenko Larisa Alexandrovna. Water system of the Park of Culture and Rest of Brest: history, curr...
Nestulya A. A. Protection of Cuhural Monuments of Kharkov Region During the Years of Ukrainian Revol...
O. V. KOLESNIKOV. Some possibilities of digital technologies in solving problems of the restoration ...
The article discusses the methods of recreation and preservation of palace and manor complexes of Be...
Tur A. V. Study of the facades of the building of the Brest Regional Executive Committee, as an obje...
TUR E.A., KAZAKOV V.N., BASOV S.V., TRICHIK V.V. Ruins of the "Nadneman" estate in the village of Na...
Орлов Р.С. Розвідки ранньослов’янських пам’яток поблизу Києва. Археологія, 1972, №5, с.96-105.Explor...
Morozov V. F. Gomel architecture of Count N. P. Rumyantsev in the context of the development of Euro...
Fedkovich K.O. Prospects for the development of tourist activities in the republican landscape reser...
Zhikh M.I., Mitsler V.A.An association of experts in the field of restoration as a necessary conditi...
Орлов Р.С. Исследование раннеславянских памятников на Киевщине — Археологические открытия 1969 года....
Matsuka A.G. On the role of geological natural monuments of the Volga Federal District of Russia in ...
Dichenskaya E. A. On the preservation of works of monumental art of the Soviet period (on the exampl...
The work is dedicated to the description of features of development and realization of a route of ec...
In this article the author considers architectural planning features of tourist complexes organizati...
Kirichenko Larisa Alexandrovna. Water system of the Park of Culture and Rest of Brest: history, curr...
Nestulya A. A. Protection of Cuhural Monuments of Kharkov Region During the Years of Ukrainian Revol...
O. V. KOLESNIKOV. Some possibilities of digital technologies in solving problems of the restoration ...
The article discusses the methods of recreation and preservation of palace and manor complexes of Be...
Tur A. V. Study of the facades of the building of the Brest Regional Executive Committee, as an obje...
TUR E.A., KAZAKOV V.N., BASOV S.V., TRICHIK V.V. Ruins of the "Nadneman" estate in the village of Na...
Орлов Р.С. Розвідки ранньослов’янських пам’яток поблизу Києва. Археологія, 1972, №5, с.96-105.Explor...
Morozov V. F. Gomel architecture of Count N. P. Rumyantsev in the context of the development of Euro...
Fedkovich K.O. Prospects for the development of tourist activities in the republican landscape reser...
Zhikh M.I., Mitsler V.A.An association of experts in the field of restoration as a necessary conditi...
Орлов Р.С. Исследование раннеславянских памятников на Киевщине — Археологические открытия 1969 года....
Matsuka A.G. On the role of geological natural monuments of the Volga Federal District of Russia in ...
Dichenskaya E. A. On the preservation of works of monumental art of the Soviet period (on the exampl...
The work is dedicated to the description of features of development and realization of a route of ec...
In this article the author considers architectural planning features of tourist complexes organizati...
Kirichenko Larisa Alexandrovna. Water system of the Park of Culture and Rest of Brest: history, curr...