Suspicion de sclérose en plaques se révélant être un syndrome de Susac

  • Hemptinne, Coralie
  • Boschi, Antonella
  • Duprez, Thierry
  • Ivanoiu, Adrian
  • Coutel, Maëlle
Publication date
January 2019


The Susac syndrome (SS), first reported in 1973, can be easily misdiagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). SS is an autoimmune endotheliopathy, which typically affects women between 15 and 40 years old. The syndrome is characterized by a pathognomonic but initially uncommon clinical triad, including encephalopathy, visual impairments and perceptive deafness associated with dizziness and tinnitus. Although less common, cauda equina syndrome and livedo reticularis are other symptoms of SS. Evolution of SS is usually monocyclic, with an active period lasting less than 2 years; however, relapses more than 20 years after the first crisis are possible. Besides MS, SS’s differential diagnosis includes acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), ce...

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