The Plot Against America is a 2020 American tv-series, created by David Simon and Ed Burns. It consists of six, one-hour long episodes and was produced by Home Box Office. The series is an adaptation of Philip Roth’s 2004 novel. It is built on a counterfactual and para-fictional historical narrative, depicting the years 1940-42. Here, the hero pilot Charles Lindbergh becomes American president in 1940 and implements an anti-semitic, Fascist and isolationist agenda. Lindbergh’s policy is to keep the USA out of the ongoing war in Europe and Asia by upkeeping friendly relations with Nazi Germany. This political and social process is shown through the point of view of a Jewish family in Newark, New Jersey. The article also emphasizes the series...
In American Television during a Television Presidency, Karen McNally and contributors critically exa...
The Cold War can be considered the final grand narrative of modernity because of its deterministic i...
International audienceLockdown has given us an occasion to discover new television series and to rev...
Sunday, March 15, 2015, 2:00-3:30pm The Plot Against America, by Philip Roth Facilitated by Dr. Stel...
Since its establishment American democracy has always been challenged to a greater or lesser extent....
The novel The Plot Against America (2004), from the contemporary north-American writer Philip Roth, ...
Erstmalig evoziert von dem französischen Aristokraten Alexis de Tocqueville während der 1830er Jahre...
Philip Roth’s 2004 novel The Plot Against America famously imagines what America might have been lik...
Philip Roth’s 2004 novel The Plot Against America famously imagines what America might have been lik...
This article aims to explore the two fundamental yet mutually contrasting elements of politics in Ph...
Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America traces the political awakening of its two child protagonists,...
The development of the miniseries as a TV genre during the 1970s became central to American televisi...
Espionage is at the core of various works of popular culture, especially political thrillers/dramas....
In this article an analysis is made of the first season of the television series The Americans from ...
Acknowledging the significance of the COVID-19 pandemic as an exacerbating factor for precarious US ...
In American Television during a Television Presidency, Karen McNally and contributors critically exa...
The Cold War can be considered the final grand narrative of modernity because of its deterministic i...
International audienceLockdown has given us an occasion to discover new television series and to rev...
Sunday, March 15, 2015, 2:00-3:30pm The Plot Against America, by Philip Roth Facilitated by Dr. Stel...
Since its establishment American democracy has always been challenged to a greater or lesser extent....
The novel The Plot Against America (2004), from the contemporary north-American writer Philip Roth, ...
Erstmalig evoziert von dem französischen Aristokraten Alexis de Tocqueville während der 1830er Jahre...
Philip Roth’s 2004 novel The Plot Against America famously imagines what America might have been lik...
Philip Roth’s 2004 novel The Plot Against America famously imagines what America might have been lik...
This article aims to explore the two fundamental yet mutually contrasting elements of politics in Ph...
Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America traces the political awakening of its two child protagonists,...
The development of the miniseries as a TV genre during the 1970s became central to American televisi...
Espionage is at the core of various works of popular culture, especially political thrillers/dramas....
In this article an analysis is made of the first season of the television series The Americans from ...
Acknowledging the significance of the COVID-19 pandemic as an exacerbating factor for precarious US ...
In American Television during a Television Presidency, Karen McNally and contributors critically exa...
The Cold War can be considered the final grand narrative of modernity because of its deterministic i...
International audienceLockdown has given us an occasion to discover new television series and to rev...