Czech DORIS Analysis Center Contribution to ITRF2020 Genesis

  • Štěpánek, Petr
  • Filler, Vratislav
Vysoké učení technické v Brně,Fakulta stavební


Geodetic Observatory Pecný (GOP) analysis center is one of the International DORIS Service (IDS) analysis centers. GOP fully contributed to the IDS combination of ITRF2020, including various changes in comparison to the ITRF2014 reprocessing. The DORIS Data from 1993.0 to 2021.0 has been processed. The time-variable gravity field model and pole sub-daily model has been updated to the recent standards. RINEX data were included as well as a measured attitude for Jason-2 and Jason-3 satellites, while Jason-1 data were completely excluded due to the South Atlantic Anomaly sensitivity. In comparison to the ITRF2014 reprocessing, the processing strategy has been upgraded and the accuracy of the solution significantly improved

Extracted data

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