Title: Attitudes and motivations of young people towards sport betting Objectives: To find out which factors significantly influence sport betting in young Czechs between the age of 18 and 30. Methods: Due to the quantitative nature of the research, the only used method was electronic survey. The survey was based on the theory of planned behaviour. It primarily sought information on independent variables (predictors) within this theory, which are attitudes, subjective norm and perceived control (in connection with sport betting). This part was adopted from a similar previous research. The intention and behaviour of the respondents as response variables were also surveyed in order to describe the relationships between independent and respons...
Background: Gambling games are evolving areas of pathological behavior, which, moreover, thanks to t...
The purpose of my work was to reveal (discover) the reason why youth are interested in gambling. One...
Title: Motivation of children to athletics Objectives: The main goal of this Diploma thesis was to f...
Název: Postoje a motivace mladých lidí ke kurzovému sázení na sport Cíle: Zjistit, jaké faktory se p...
Thesis title: Attitudes and Motivation of Pupils in Relation to Athletics Objective: find out the at...
The scientific research of this paper focuses on the involvement of the school age group 16-18 years...
Title: Sports celebrity influence on the behavioural intentions of students from secondary schools a...
BACKGROUND: There has been an increased international policy focus on the factors that may contribut...
This paper aims to evaluate the sociological and economic implications that the sports betting indu...
This research was aimed at gaining relevant knowledge about the attitudes of Podgorica consumers tow...
Title: The popularity of minority sports in Czech Republic among the young generation Objectives: Th...
Title: Problematics of motivation and aggressivity in sports Objectives: Main target of my diploma t...
Title: Comparison of the athletes and blogger influence on the behavioral intentions of secondary sc...
The study aims to analyse the relationships between sport spectators' gambling motivation and propen...
Title: Values and motivation in youth basketball Objectives: The main goal of this work is, to use a...
Background: Gambling games are evolving areas of pathological behavior, which, moreover, thanks to t...
The purpose of my work was to reveal (discover) the reason why youth are interested in gambling. One...
Title: Motivation of children to athletics Objectives: The main goal of this Diploma thesis was to f...
Název: Postoje a motivace mladých lidí ke kurzovému sázení na sport Cíle: Zjistit, jaké faktory se p...
Thesis title: Attitudes and Motivation of Pupils in Relation to Athletics Objective: find out the at...
The scientific research of this paper focuses on the involvement of the school age group 16-18 years...
Title: Sports celebrity influence on the behavioural intentions of students from secondary schools a...
BACKGROUND: There has been an increased international policy focus on the factors that may contribut...
This paper aims to evaluate the sociological and economic implications that the sports betting indu...
This research was aimed at gaining relevant knowledge about the attitudes of Podgorica consumers tow...
Title: The popularity of minority sports in Czech Republic among the young generation Objectives: Th...
Title: Problematics of motivation and aggressivity in sports Objectives: Main target of my diploma t...
Title: Comparison of the athletes and blogger influence on the behavioral intentions of secondary sc...
The study aims to analyse the relationships between sport spectators' gambling motivation and propen...
Title: Values and motivation in youth basketball Objectives: The main goal of this work is, to use a...
Background: Gambling games are evolving areas of pathological behavior, which, moreover, thanks to t...
The purpose of my work was to reveal (discover) the reason why youth are interested in gambling. One...
Title: Motivation of children to athletics Objectives: The main goal of this Diploma thesis was to f...