Under ongoing global warming due to climate change, heat waves in Australia are expected to become more frequent and severe. Extreme heat waves have devastating impacts on both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. A multi-characteristic heat wave framework is used to estimate historical and future projected heat waves across Australia. A Google Earth Engine-based toolkit named heat wave tracker (HWT) is developed, which can be used for dynamic visualization, extraction, and processing of complex heat wave events. The toolkit exploits the public long-term high-resolution climate datasets to developed nine heat wave datasets across Australia for extreme heat wave value analysis. To examine climate change on heat waves and how they vary in time ...
Heat waves represent one of the most significant climatic stressors for ecosystems, economies and so...
Public perceptions of the risk posed by natural hazards and climate change are typically associated ...
Temperature is the most concerned factor in the human-environment ecological processes. Apparent tem...
Under ongoing global warming due to climate change, heat waves in Australia are expected to become m...
The code base in this release of the Marine Heatwave Tracker software provides all of the tools nece...
The warming world greatly suffers the increase of frequency, severity and duration of heat wave even...
Australia is a continent of climatic extremes, experiencing devastating floods, decadal-long drought...
Heatwaves are defined as unusually high temperature events that occur for at least three consecutive...
Despite their adverse impacts, definitions and measurements of heat waves are ambiguous and inconsis...
As part of a special issue on natural hazards, this paper reviews the current state of scientific kn...
Marine heatwaves around Australia, and globally, have been increasing in their frequency, intensity,...
As the world continues to warm, we see not only a steady increase in mean temperatures, but an incre...
Marine heatwaves (MHWs) have been observed around the world and are expected to increase in intensit...
Heat waves (HWs) can cause large socioeconomic and environmental impacts. The observed increases in ...
An extreme heat wave occurred in Russia in the summer of 2010. It had serious impacts on humans and...
Heat waves represent one of the most significant climatic stressors for ecosystems, economies and so...
Public perceptions of the risk posed by natural hazards and climate change are typically associated ...
Temperature is the most concerned factor in the human-environment ecological processes. Apparent tem...
Under ongoing global warming due to climate change, heat waves in Australia are expected to become m...
The code base in this release of the Marine Heatwave Tracker software provides all of the tools nece...
The warming world greatly suffers the increase of frequency, severity and duration of heat wave even...
Australia is a continent of climatic extremes, experiencing devastating floods, decadal-long drought...
Heatwaves are defined as unusually high temperature events that occur for at least three consecutive...
Despite their adverse impacts, definitions and measurements of heat waves are ambiguous and inconsis...
As part of a special issue on natural hazards, this paper reviews the current state of scientific kn...
Marine heatwaves around Australia, and globally, have been increasing in their frequency, intensity,...
As the world continues to warm, we see not only a steady increase in mean temperatures, but an incre...
Marine heatwaves (MHWs) have been observed around the world and are expected to increase in intensit...
Heat waves (HWs) can cause large socioeconomic and environmental impacts. The observed increases in ...
An extreme heat wave occurred in Russia in the summer of 2010. It had serious impacts on humans and...
Heat waves represent one of the most significant climatic stressors for ecosystems, economies and so...
Public perceptions of the risk posed by natural hazards and climate change are typically associated ...
Temperature is the most concerned factor in the human-environment ecological processes. Apparent tem...