Defence is held on 25.2.2022 12:00 – 15:00 Zoom; millennia, humans have grown their food in relatively stable Holocene climatic conditions, which are now perturbed by anthropogenic climate change. Weather is an inseparable part of food production, and floods, droughts, and heatwaves remain a nuisance to farmers around the globe. Approximately, a third of global crop yield variability is caused by climate variations with even higher sensitivities reported for maize and wheat, both highly important global food commodities. Hence, a comprehensive understanding about the impacts of climate variability and change on global crop production is imperative to ensure a sufficient and stable food supply for the ...
In Finland, crop choices are limited, and cultivation is only possible in the regions where producti...
Poljoprivreda se, kao jedna od najstarijih ljudskih i gospodarskih djelatnosti, bavi uzgojem biljaka...
The impact of climatic change in 19712040 on the potential production areas and risks to nine apple ...
Ilmastonmuutos lisää tuotannon epävarmuutta, koska sääolojen vaihtelu lisääntyy ja sään ääri-ilmiöt ...
Pohjoisella havumetsävyöhykkeellä auringon säteilyenergian vuotuinen määrä jää vähäiseksi säteilyn p...
The Mackenzie Basin in northwestern Canada covers approximately 1.8 million km2 and extends from 52°...
Results are presented of a modelling study to estimate the regional suitability and potential produc...
Climate change is a global and slow process that affects humans all over the world. Climate adaption...
A longer growing season and higher accumulated effective temperature sum (ETS) will improve crop pro...
The global phenomenon of climate change will influence everyone, it is just a question of how much. ...
In the northern circumpolar zone, the area between the 600°Cd and 1200°Cd isopleths of effective tem...
Ilmasto vaikuttaa nykyään satoon oleellisesti. Sen sijaan ennen maaperän viljavuus rajoitti satoa i...
Humanity's ability to sufficiently feed the growing population has been under debate for centuries. ...
Nors jau nėra įmanoma išvengti artimiausių dviejų dešimtmečių klimato kaitos, bet vis dar galima iki...
Tutkimus selvitti muutamien kasvien alueellista viljelysopivuutta ja potentiaalista sadontuottoa ilm...
In Finland, crop choices are limited, and cultivation is only possible in the regions where producti...
Poljoprivreda se, kao jedna od najstarijih ljudskih i gospodarskih djelatnosti, bavi uzgojem biljaka...
The impact of climatic change in 19712040 on the potential production areas and risks to nine apple ...
Ilmastonmuutos lisää tuotannon epävarmuutta, koska sääolojen vaihtelu lisääntyy ja sään ääri-ilmiöt ...
Pohjoisella havumetsävyöhykkeellä auringon säteilyenergian vuotuinen määrä jää vähäiseksi säteilyn p...
The Mackenzie Basin in northwestern Canada covers approximately 1.8 million km2 and extends from 52°...
Results are presented of a modelling study to estimate the regional suitability and potential produc...
Climate change is a global and slow process that affects humans all over the world. Climate adaption...
A longer growing season and higher accumulated effective temperature sum (ETS) will improve crop pro...
The global phenomenon of climate change will influence everyone, it is just a question of how much. ...
In the northern circumpolar zone, the area between the 600°Cd and 1200°Cd isopleths of effective tem...
Ilmasto vaikuttaa nykyään satoon oleellisesti. Sen sijaan ennen maaperän viljavuus rajoitti satoa i...
Humanity's ability to sufficiently feed the growing population has been under debate for centuries. ...
Nors jau nėra įmanoma išvengti artimiausių dviejų dešimtmečių klimato kaitos, bet vis dar galima iki...
Tutkimus selvitti muutamien kasvien alueellista viljelysopivuutta ja potentiaalista sadontuottoa ilm...
In Finland, crop choices are limited, and cultivation is only possible in the regions where producti...
Poljoprivreda se, kao jedna od najstarijih ljudskih i gospodarskih djelatnosti, bavi uzgojem biljaka...
The impact of climatic change in 19712040 on the potential production areas and risks to nine apple ...