Neoplazme poreklom od mastocita mogu da se jave u dva različita oblika: uobičajeno kao kožni tumori - kutani mastocitomi ili ređe kao sistemska forma neoplastične proliferacije mastocita - sistemska mastocitoza. Svrha ovog istraživanja je da se uporede histološke i citološke karakteristike, ekspresija KIT receptora i prisustvo mutacija c-KIT proto-onkogena u neoplastičnim ćelijama kod pasa sa kutanim mastocitomima i sistemskom mastocitozom. Mikroskopskim pregledom citoloških razmaza svih ispitanih pasa utvrđeno je da se ćelijska populacija sastoji uglavnom od okruglih ćelija koje imaju centralno postavljeno jedro i sitne ljubičaste citoplazmatske granule. Histopatološkim pregledom uzoraka kože pasa sa kutanim mastocitomima i sistemskom mast...
Introduction: Canine cutaneous mast cell tumour (MCT) is one of the most common neoplasm in dogs. ...
Mastocitomas are most prevalent cutaneous neoplasms in canines. Aiming to study the biologic behavio...
AbstractThe c-KIT proto-oncogene has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several neoplastic disea...
Mast cell neoplasia in dogs can occur in two different forms: common as cutaneous tumor, or less com...
Kutani mastocitomi su jedna od najčešći neoplazmi pasa. Vode poreklo iz kostne srži, iz linije opred...
Histopathological examination, grading, immunohistochemical staining and molecular genetic examinati...
Cilj ovoga diplomskog rada bio je istražiti dosadašnje spoznaje o patofiziološkim mehanizmima nastan...
Histopathological examination, grading, immunohistochemical staining and molecular genetic examinati...
none3Thirty-one canine cutaneous nodules, diagnosed as mast cell tumors by histopathologic analysis ...
Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are one of the most common neoplasms indogs. They originate from the bone ma...
Canine cutaneous mast cell tumor (MCT) is very common disease in dogs, this is more aggressive than ...
Mastociti su stanice s velikim brojem citoplazmatskih granula koje zadrže brojne biogene amine. Mast...
Human mastocytosis are heterogeneous group of neoplastic diseases characterized by a different degre...
Mastocitomi su jedni od najčešćih tumora kože i potkožja pasa, a njihovo biološko ponašanje varira. ...
Mastocitom je neoplazija podrijetla mastocita, a osobito često javlja se kao kožni tumor u pasa. B...
Introduction: Canine cutaneous mast cell tumour (MCT) is one of the most common neoplasm in dogs. ...
Mastocitomas are most prevalent cutaneous neoplasms in canines. Aiming to study the biologic behavio...
AbstractThe c-KIT proto-oncogene has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several neoplastic disea...
Mast cell neoplasia in dogs can occur in two different forms: common as cutaneous tumor, or less com...
Kutani mastocitomi su jedna od najčešći neoplazmi pasa. Vode poreklo iz kostne srži, iz linije opred...
Histopathological examination, grading, immunohistochemical staining and molecular genetic examinati...
Cilj ovoga diplomskog rada bio je istražiti dosadašnje spoznaje o patofiziološkim mehanizmima nastan...
Histopathological examination, grading, immunohistochemical staining and molecular genetic examinati...
none3Thirty-one canine cutaneous nodules, diagnosed as mast cell tumors by histopathologic analysis ...
Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are one of the most common neoplasms indogs. They originate from the bone ma...
Canine cutaneous mast cell tumor (MCT) is very common disease in dogs, this is more aggressive than ...
Mastociti su stanice s velikim brojem citoplazmatskih granula koje zadrže brojne biogene amine. Mast...
Human mastocytosis are heterogeneous group of neoplastic diseases characterized by a different degre...
Mastocitomi su jedni od najčešćih tumora kože i potkožja pasa, a njihovo biološko ponašanje varira. ...
Mastocitom je neoplazija podrijetla mastocita, a osobito često javlja se kao kožni tumor u pasa. B...
Introduction: Canine cutaneous mast cell tumour (MCT) is one of the most common neoplasm in dogs. ...
Mastocitomas are most prevalent cutaneous neoplasms in canines. Aiming to study the biologic behavio...
AbstractThe c-KIT proto-oncogene has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several neoplastic disea...