Baraumi Shougakkou is a children’s short story written by Miyazawa Kenji, a famous writer for producing literary works covering all the natural elements in the world; humans, animals, plants, rocks, wind, clouds, light, stars, and the sun. His works have been translated into many languages, including Indonesian. However, in translating a literary work, there are several issues, one of which is translating ecological terms. It needs the proper method so that the ecological terms can be translated accurately and provide a common perception between the readers of the original work and the readers of the translated works. This study aims to analyze the translation of ecological terms in environmentally oriented work Baraumi Shougakkou by Miyaza...
Eco-translatology, an emerging field focusing on ecological-themed texts and sustainable translation...
How and when are ecological values born? Which is the human perspective of the natural world and how...
Natural problems are the main issues which is related to the human attitudes and behaviours. There i...
Baraumi Shougakkou is a children’s short story written by Miyazawa Kenji, a famous writer for produc...
This paper discusses the translation of Japanese ecological terms into Indonesian. The objective of ...
This research focuses on the analysis of ecological terms translation in an article from National G...
This study analyzed the translation techniques of Miyazawa Kenji's Hinoki to Hinageshi, which were t...
This thesis is entitled Translation Strategies of Ecological Word in the Bilingual Biology Text Book...
ABSTRACT This thesis is entitled Foreignization and Domestication of Ecological Word in Body Cares’ ...
<em>The nature of paper shows that Ecocriticism is not popular issue in the modern Indonesian critic...
The aim of the present article is to consider different approaches to the textual analysis in relati...
ABSTRACT Ghina, Hanifah. 2019. Skripsi. Kritik Sastra Ekologi Pada Kumpulan Naskah Drama Pasar Malam...
Unlike most translations which are carried out within the Indo-European language-family and culture,...
Miyazawa Kenji is an author who writes stories about moral and educational teachings based on the be...
ABSTRACT Thesis. Ecological Literature in a collection of poems, "If a match has the initials you" b...
Eco-translatology, an emerging field focusing on ecological-themed texts and sustainable translation...
How and when are ecological values born? Which is the human perspective of the natural world and how...
Natural problems are the main issues which is related to the human attitudes and behaviours. There i...
Baraumi Shougakkou is a children’s short story written by Miyazawa Kenji, a famous writer for produc...
This paper discusses the translation of Japanese ecological terms into Indonesian. The objective of ...
This research focuses on the analysis of ecological terms translation in an article from National G...
This study analyzed the translation techniques of Miyazawa Kenji's Hinoki to Hinageshi, which were t...
This thesis is entitled Translation Strategies of Ecological Word in the Bilingual Biology Text Book...
ABSTRACT This thesis is entitled Foreignization and Domestication of Ecological Word in Body Cares’ ...
<em>The nature of paper shows that Ecocriticism is not popular issue in the modern Indonesian critic...
The aim of the present article is to consider different approaches to the textual analysis in relati...
ABSTRACT Ghina, Hanifah. 2019. Skripsi. Kritik Sastra Ekologi Pada Kumpulan Naskah Drama Pasar Malam...
Unlike most translations which are carried out within the Indo-European language-family and culture,...
Miyazawa Kenji is an author who writes stories about moral and educational teachings based on the be...
ABSTRACT Thesis. Ecological Literature in a collection of poems, "If a match has the initials you" b...
Eco-translatology, an emerging field focusing on ecological-themed texts and sustainable translation...
How and when are ecological values born? Which is the human perspective of the natural world and how...
Natural problems are the main issues which is related to the human attitudes and behaviours. There i...