peer reviewedPar deux arrêts récents – les arrêts Selahattin Demirtaş c. Turquie (n° 2) et Filiz Kerestecioğlu Demir c. Turquie –, la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme condamne sévèrement certains actes posés par les autorités turques à l’encontre de membres de l’opposition du parti pro-kurde HDP. Les mesures litigieuses, qui ont comme point d’orgue juridique une révision constitutionnelle ad hominem, visant à priver certains députés de l’inviolabilité parlementaire qui les protège en principe, sont à l’origine de la violation de nombreuses dispositions de la Convention, y compris l’article 18, qui interdit les limitations inspirées par des objectifs non conventionnels. Au départ des deux arrêts précités, la présente contribution propo...
The role of courts in shaping public policy has undoubtedly increased over at least the last two dec...
Judgment ECtHR on freedom of expression and defamation, new violation of Article 10 Convention by Tu...
Temel hak ve özgürlüklerin somutlaşmış hali olan ve normlar hiyerarşisinde üst norm konumunda buluna...
International audienceThis paper considers the juridicization of two political problems, the human r...
The article deals with the different approaches followed by the Turkish Constitutional Court and the...
The main concern of this thesis is the dissolution of political parties by the Turkish Constitution ...
The ECtHR case law played an indispensable role in bringing to light the egregious human rights situ...
The Turkish principle of secularism (laiklik) has a paramount importance not only in the country’s c...
In a great number of European States, the constitution provides that associations – and consequently...
Turkey’s relations with the European Union (EU) are at a critical juncture. As of 2002, the process ...
Turkey is a member of the Council of Europe, of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and a candid...
This is a commentary paper by focusing on the European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber’s judgmen...
İHAS Başlangıç’ta geçen “gerçekten demokratik rejim” ve “ hu- kukun üstünlüğü” kavramlarının ulusal...
The Turkish Constitutional Courts verdict annulling the Parliaments amendments to Articles 10 and 42...
Fundamental rights and freedoms constitute the majority of agreed articles in the draft constitution...
The role of courts in shaping public policy has undoubtedly increased over at least the last two dec...
Judgment ECtHR on freedom of expression and defamation, new violation of Article 10 Convention by Tu...
Temel hak ve özgürlüklerin somutlaşmış hali olan ve normlar hiyerarşisinde üst norm konumunda buluna...
International audienceThis paper considers the juridicization of two political problems, the human r...
The article deals with the different approaches followed by the Turkish Constitutional Court and the...
The main concern of this thesis is the dissolution of political parties by the Turkish Constitution ...
The ECtHR case law played an indispensable role in bringing to light the egregious human rights situ...
The Turkish principle of secularism (laiklik) has a paramount importance not only in the country’s c...
In a great number of European States, the constitution provides that associations – and consequently...
Turkey’s relations with the European Union (EU) are at a critical juncture. As of 2002, the process ...
Turkey is a member of the Council of Europe, of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and a candid...
This is a commentary paper by focusing on the European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber’s judgmen...
İHAS Başlangıç’ta geçen “gerçekten demokratik rejim” ve “ hu- kukun üstünlüğü” kavramlarının ulusal...
The Turkish Constitutional Courts verdict annulling the Parliaments amendments to Articles 10 and 42...
Fundamental rights and freedoms constitute the majority of agreed articles in the draft constitution...
The role of courts in shaping public policy has undoubtedly increased over at least the last two dec...
Judgment ECtHR on freedom of expression and defamation, new violation of Article 10 Convention by Tu...
Temel hak ve özgürlüklerin somutlaşmış hali olan ve normlar hiyerarşisinde üst norm konumunda buluna...