This research examines the affective attitude as a mediator between religiosity and consumer purchase intentions of Islamic bank products. This study was located in Kebumen using 100 people as a sample taken using the purposive sampling technique. The collected data were processed using SPSS and analyzed using path analysis with the Sobel test. The findings of this study indicate that significant and positive religiosity towards affective attitude and purchase intention and affective attitude is also proven to be critical factors in increasing purchase intention. In addition, this study also confirms that affective attitude is established as a mediating variable for the relationship between religiosity and consumer purchase intention of Isl...
The objective of this research is to examine the religiosity on Islamic banking product decision. A ...
Abstract Purpose – This study aims to examine the impact of Islamic consumer behavior on the potent...
The study aims investigate the influence of emotional marketing strategy and halal awareness facto...
This study aims to examine the influence of religiosity on the attitude of Muslim consumers in Surab...
This study shows the relationship between knowledge and attitude towards the behavior of choosing Is...
This study aims to determine the effect of religiosity on people's interest in using Islamic Bank pr...
Minat masyarakat untuk menabung di bank syariah tergolong masih minim. Hal tersebut tercermin dari m...
Religiousity is an expression of embraced system of trust that feels its values, so it created an op...
The purpose of this study is to analyze why a lot of Muslim customers of conventional banks have not...
The purpose of this research is to study the factors that influence trust and purchase intention on ...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of religiosity on the saving interest ...
This study aims to determine the factors that influence the saving behavior of muslim community to u...
The desire of a consumer to buy a product or service is influenced by the attitude they have, becaus...
The study was conducted to examine the interest of the people of Dalegan Village, Panceng District, ...
This study aims to examine the effect of religiosity on decisions to use Islamic banking products; w...
The objective of this research is to examine the religiosity on Islamic banking product decision. A ...
Abstract Purpose – This study aims to examine the impact of Islamic consumer behavior on the potent...
The study aims investigate the influence of emotional marketing strategy and halal awareness facto...
This study aims to examine the influence of religiosity on the attitude of Muslim consumers in Surab...
This study shows the relationship between knowledge and attitude towards the behavior of choosing Is...
This study aims to determine the effect of religiosity on people's interest in using Islamic Bank pr...
Minat masyarakat untuk menabung di bank syariah tergolong masih minim. Hal tersebut tercermin dari m...
Religiousity is an expression of embraced system of trust that feels its values, so it created an op...
The purpose of this study is to analyze why a lot of Muslim customers of conventional banks have not...
The purpose of this research is to study the factors that influence trust and purchase intention on ...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of religiosity on the saving interest ...
This study aims to determine the factors that influence the saving behavior of muslim community to u...
The desire of a consumer to buy a product or service is influenced by the attitude they have, becaus...
The study was conducted to examine the interest of the people of Dalegan Village, Panceng District, ...
This study aims to examine the effect of religiosity on decisions to use Islamic banking products; w...
The objective of this research is to examine the religiosity on Islamic banking product decision. A ...
Abstract Purpose – This study aims to examine the impact of Islamic consumer behavior on the potent...
The study aims investigate the influence of emotional marketing strategy and halal awareness facto...