Evaluación del complejo enzimático celulasa en hongos nativos del Perú

  • Llacza Ladera, Henry Frans
  • Castellanos Sánchez, Pedro Luis
  • Meza Mendoza, Patricia
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Publication date
December 2021
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Vicerectorado de Investigacion
Spanish; Castilian


In Peru, information on the biotechnological potential of native fungi for the degradation of cellulose presents few records. This work aimed to evaluate the cellulolytic activity of isolated fungi in the departments of Cajamarca, Lima, Junín and Huánuco. 289 species of fungi were subjected to reactivation after a conservation period of 7 years using filter paper and Czapeck broth, evaluated semi-quantitatively using the radial diffusion technique on Czapeck Na-CMC agar to then select five strains that were morphologically identified and its cellulolytic capacity was also determined by the Somogyi-Nelson method. 90% (260) of the fungi that underwent semi-quantitative evaluation were reactivated, selecting five strains for their greater clea...

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