The impact of global change on biodiversity is commonly assessed in terms of changes in species distributions, community richness and community composition. Whether and how much associations between species are also changing is much less documented. In this study, we quantify changes in large-scale patterns of species associations in bird communities in relation to changes in species composition. We use network approaches to build three community-aggregated indices reflecting complementary aspects of species association networks. We characterise the spatio–temporal dynamics of these indices using a large-scale and high-resolution dataset of bird co-abundances of 109 species monitored for 17 years (2001–2017) from 1969 sites across France. W...
Our knowledge of the factors affecting species abundances is mainly based on time-series analyses of...
Abstract Aim: There has been a wide interest in the effect of biotic interactions on species’ occur...
Anthropogenic modification of landscapes continues to be one of the greatest threats to biodiversity...
The impact of global change on biodiversity is commonly assessed in terms of changes in species dist...
Abstract The impact of global change on biodiversity is commonly assessed in terms of changes in sp...
This is the dataset used for the manuscript Linking biotic homogenisation with large-scalechanges of...
International audienceAim. We disentangle three facets of species commonness (local abundance, geogr...
Aim: Understanding the relative contribution of different species interactions in shaping community ...
Among driving forces of biotic homogenization, change in the physical environment that reduces habit...
Biotic homogenization (BH) is a process whereby some species (losers) are systematically replaced by...
© 2016 British Ornithologists' Union Generalist species are becoming increasingly dominant in Europe...
[Departement_IRSTEA]Territoires [TR1_IRSTEA]SEDYVINInternational audienceAim: Species specialization...
Our knowledge of the factors affecting species abundances is mainly based on time-series analyses of...
Abstract Aim: There has been a wide interest in the effect of biotic interactions on species’ occur...
Anthropogenic modification of landscapes continues to be one of the greatest threats to biodiversity...
The impact of global change on biodiversity is commonly assessed in terms of changes in species dist...
Abstract The impact of global change on biodiversity is commonly assessed in terms of changes in sp...
This is the dataset used for the manuscript Linking biotic homogenisation with large-scalechanges of...
International audienceAim. We disentangle three facets of species commonness (local abundance, geogr...
Aim: Understanding the relative contribution of different species interactions in shaping community ...
Among driving forces of biotic homogenization, change in the physical environment that reduces habit...
Biotic homogenization (BH) is a process whereby some species (losers) are systematically replaced by...
© 2016 British Ornithologists' Union Generalist species are becoming increasingly dominant in Europe...
[Departement_IRSTEA]Territoires [TR1_IRSTEA]SEDYVINInternational audienceAim: Species specialization...
Our knowledge of the factors affecting species abundances is mainly based on time-series analyses of...
Abstract Aim: There has been a wide interest in the effect of biotic interactions on species’ occur...
Anthropogenic modification of landscapes continues to be one of the greatest threats to biodiversity...