Making CMC with the reaction media of propanol and ethanol solution mixture from water hyacinth have to find out processing water hyacinthmake into CMC, influence reagent of sodium chloroaceticin making CMC process, and optimun condition as degree of substitution (DS), percentage of purity, viscosity, acidity, and percentage of NaCl to have CMC with the high quality.In this process starting with the pretreatment process/cellulose isolation. Cellulose that obtained was alkalized with 30 % (v/v) NaOH solution. This alkalization process using propanol-ethanol solution mixture as a reaction media. The next process is carboxymethylization process, that happened the reaction between alkali cellulose and sodium chloroacetic with variations of mass...
ABSTRACT The Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) had been made from bleached bagasse pulp. This research ...
The aims of this study were to obtain the optimal concentration of NaOH and trichloroac...
Na-CMC adalah eter polimer selulosa linier yang digunakan sebagai bahan pengental, pengemulsi dan pe...
Waterhyacinthisoneofaquaticweeds which is able to disturbaquaticecosystemproblem.Manyeffortsweremade...
Water hyacinth is an aquatic weed that is easy to grow and very quickly to develop so that it can be...
Eceng gondok adalah salah satu tumbuhan bahan serat alam yang memiliki kandungan selulosa yang cukup...
Muhammad Rivaldo Hanitama, 47 Halaman, 9 Tabel, 21 Gambar, 4 Lampiran Sodium-Carboxymethyl Cellulo...
Banana tree stem contain of 63-64% cellulose that can be processed into more valuable product. In th...
Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is a derivative cellulose which is soluble an in water ...
Penelitian pemanfaatan limbah pengolahan rumput laut sebagai bahan dasar untukpembuatan sodium karbo...
BACKGROUND: CMC is one of the water-soluble polysaccharide derivatives obtained from cellulose. Alka...
Production of CMC (Carboximethyl Cellulose) from Bacterial Cellulose (Nata de Coco)ABSTRACT. Bacteri...
Rice straw is a waste from rice plants that contains 37.71% cellulose, 21.99% hemicellulose, and 16....
Palm midrib contain 89.63 % of cellulose. Cellulose is the main raw material synthesis of carboxy me...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi cmc terhadap sifat kimia (kadar air d...
ABSTRACT The Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) had been made from bleached bagasse pulp. This research ...
The aims of this study were to obtain the optimal concentration of NaOH and trichloroac...
Na-CMC adalah eter polimer selulosa linier yang digunakan sebagai bahan pengental, pengemulsi dan pe...
Waterhyacinthisoneofaquaticweeds which is able to disturbaquaticecosystemproblem.Manyeffortsweremade...
Water hyacinth is an aquatic weed that is easy to grow and very quickly to develop so that it can be...
Eceng gondok adalah salah satu tumbuhan bahan serat alam yang memiliki kandungan selulosa yang cukup...
Muhammad Rivaldo Hanitama, 47 Halaman, 9 Tabel, 21 Gambar, 4 Lampiran Sodium-Carboxymethyl Cellulo...
Banana tree stem contain of 63-64% cellulose that can be processed into more valuable product. In th...
Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is a derivative cellulose which is soluble an in water ...
Penelitian pemanfaatan limbah pengolahan rumput laut sebagai bahan dasar untukpembuatan sodium karbo...
BACKGROUND: CMC is one of the water-soluble polysaccharide derivatives obtained from cellulose. Alka...
Production of CMC (Carboximethyl Cellulose) from Bacterial Cellulose (Nata de Coco)ABSTRACT. Bacteri...
Rice straw is a waste from rice plants that contains 37.71% cellulose, 21.99% hemicellulose, and 16....
Palm midrib contain 89.63 % of cellulose. Cellulose is the main raw material synthesis of carboxy me...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi cmc terhadap sifat kimia (kadar air d...
ABSTRACT The Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) had been made from bleached bagasse pulp. This research ...
The aims of this study were to obtain the optimal concentration of NaOH and trichloroac...
Na-CMC adalah eter polimer selulosa linier yang digunakan sebagai bahan pengental, pengemulsi dan pe...