The occurrence of mycotoxins in the food chain is an inevitable and serious problem that the world faces. Due to the very humid and warm climate, it can be expected that Serbia this and next year will be a very fertile ground for the development of toxigenic fungi. We need to be familiar with the properties of mycotoxins, the chemical structure and the basic mechanisms of the action of mycotoxins. So we can have the basics for developing protocols or methods for efficiently managing problems related to mycotoxins, as well as to understand their biological effects. The aim of the paper was to analyze how many students are familiar with the problem of mycotoxins in food. The research was carried out using anonymous questionnaire, which includ...
Beer may not be the oldest alcoholic drink, but it is definitely one of the most popular drinks toda...
Oralno zdravlje smatra se važnim delom opšteg zdravlja ljudi, ali je često zanemarena oblast, a razl...
Bacterial spot of pepper and tomato regularly causes losses in production in Serbia. According to th...
It is estimated that at least 25% of grain and other cereals are today contaminated with known mycot...
Disease outbreaks due to the consumption of contaminated food and feedstuff are a recurring problem ...
Polysaccharides from mushrooms, plants and microorganisms have received considerable attention due t...
Monitoring of the incidence of toxigenic species and the detection of mycotoxins in stored cereals (...
Mikoriza predstavlja simbiozu između gljive i biljke pri čemu gljiva od biljke dobiva organske tvari...
Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of grey mould, greatly affects fruit, grapevine, vegetable and or...
Consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits is a healthy diet supply and it is recommended as prevent...
Cilj ovog rada je približiti i upoznati načine kojim mikroflora koja nas okružuje kontaminira i mije...
Mikotoksini predstavljaju značajan problem u hranidbi svinja. Sekundarni metaboliti plijesni su toks...
Hrana onečišćena mikotoksinima predstavlja bitan problem za ljude i životinje. Mikotoksini su toksič...
Listeria monocytogenes are well known as one of the pathogen bacteria which cause listeriosis human ...
ector of functional food is more and more appreciated by modern market and consumers. Food is energy...
Beer may not be the oldest alcoholic drink, but it is definitely one of the most popular drinks toda...
Oralno zdravlje smatra se važnim delom opšteg zdravlja ljudi, ali je često zanemarena oblast, a razl...
Bacterial spot of pepper and tomato regularly causes losses in production in Serbia. According to th...
It is estimated that at least 25% of grain and other cereals are today contaminated with known mycot...
Disease outbreaks due to the consumption of contaminated food and feedstuff are a recurring problem ...
Polysaccharides from mushrooms, plants and microorganisms have received considerable attention due t...
Monitoring of the incidence of toxigenic species and the detection of mycotoxins in stored cereals (...
Mikoriza predstavlja simbiozu između gljive i biljke pri čemu gljiva od biljke dobiva organske tvari...
Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of grey mould, greatly affects fruit, grapevine, vegetable and or...
Consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits is a healthy diet supply and it is recommended as prevent...
Cilj ovog rada je približiti i upoznati načine kojim mikroflora koja nas okružuje kontaminira i mije...
Mikotoksini predstavljaju značajan problem u hranidbi svinja. Sekundarni metaboliti plijesni su toks...
Hrana onečišćena mikotoksinima predstavlja bitan problem za ljude i životinje. Mikotoksini su toksič...
Listeria monocytogenes are well known as one of the pathogen bacteria which cause listeriosis human ...
ector of functional food is more and more appreciated by modern market and consumers. Food is energy...
Beer may not be the oldest alcoholic drink, but it is definitely one of the most popular drinks toda...
Oralno zdravlje smatra se važnim delom opšteg zdravlja ljudi, ali je često zanemarena oblast, a razl...
Bacterial spot of pepper and tomato regularly causes losses in production in Serbia. According to th...