Dairy cows housing conditions in Serbia are very poor, both on small and large scale farms. Building of modern barns that have to fulfill a variety of technical and technological demands, as well as cows welfare demands is to be expected in the future. From those reasons is necessary to consider all the possibilities from this field and offer the most optimal solutions to our farmers.Uslovi držanja muznih krava u Srbiji su veoma loši, kako kod malih farmera, tako i kod najvećih. Gradnja savremenih staja, koje moraju da zadovolje čitav niz tehnološko tehničkih zahteva, ali i zahteve dobrobiti životinja, tek treba da se dogodi. Iz tog razloga treba, razmotriti sve mogućnosti iz te oblasti i dati najoptimalnija rešenja našim farmerima
Tema ovog diplomskog rada je Prijedlog idejnog rješenja za izgradnju obiteljske farme kapaciteta 60 ...
Bearers of cattle production in Serbia are small family farms. Such farms should change significantl...
Mnogo je uzroka kritičnom stanju u našim mljekarama, a prije svega-, neprimjerena organiziranost, po...
Dairy cows housing conditions in Serbia are very poor, both on small and large scale farms. Buildin...
The main problem addressed in this article are current conditions and tendencies of change in family...
In the last decades, old production technology used on farms on mountain of Stara planina was the re...
This paper presents the results of research on condition and needs for technical systems in livestoc...
Aerobic treatment of solid cattle manure and production of compost in conditions of Agricultural Coo...
Small farms play a significant role in agricultural production, employment and creating on the attra...
A present state in a cattle production in our country has been analyzed in this paper, with a specia...
Analysis of all significant parameters for the study of economical efficiency of investments in fam...
The development of organic agriculture contributes to conservation of natural resources, especially ...
It is of economic interest for breeders that dairy cattle should be long enough in production, witho...
On large farms of dairy cattle HF breed, very rarely achieved fertility in a herd of over 80% of cow...
U radu je prikazan postupak korištenja specijalizirane ankete za prikupljanje podataka o kapacitetim...
Tema ovog diplomskog rada je Prijedlog idejnog rješenja za izgradnju obiteljske farme kapaciteta 60 ...
Bearers of cattle production in Serbia are small family farms. Such farms should change significantl...
Mnogo je uzroka kritičnom stanju u našim mljekarama, a prije svega-, neprimjerena organiziranost, po...
Dairy cows housing conditions in Serbia are very poor, both on small and large scale farms. Buildin...
The main problem addressed in this article are current conditions and tendencies of change in family...
In the last decades, old production technology used on farms on mountain of Stara planina was the re...
This paper presents the results of research on condition and needs for technical systems in livestoc...
Aerobic treatment of solid cattle manure and production of compost in conditions of Agricultural Coo...
Small farms play a significant role in agricultural production, employment and creating on the attra...
A present state in a cattle production in our country has been analyzed in this paper, with a specia...
Analysis of all significant parameters for the study of economical efficiency of investments in fam...
The development of organic agriculture contributes to conservation of natural resources, especially ...
It is of economic interest for breeders that dairy cattle should be long enough in production, witho...
On large farms of dairy cattle HF breed, very rarely achieved fertility in a herd of over 80% of cow...
U radu je prikazan postupak korištenja specijalizirane ankete za prikupljanje podataka o kapacitetim...
Tema ovog diplomskog rada je Prijedlog idejnog rješenja za izgradnju obiteljske farme kapaciteta 60 ...
Bearers of cattle production in Serbia are small family farms. Such farms should change significantl...
Mnogo je uzroka kritičnom stanju u našim mljekarama, a prije svega-, neprimjerena organiziranost, po...