As regards a race structure of sheep in Serbia a domestic tuft sheep, Pramenka, is still a dominant one (about 80%). There is a great number of Pramenka breed types, its crossbreds with different breeds, as well as the crossbreds of Pramenka with improved breeds. Improving of domestic tuft sheep, in the last two decades, was directed mostly towards improving the production of lamb meat, where württemberg and Ile de France were most often improving breeds used. The improvement of sheep in 50-ties and 60-ties of the last century was carried out with the aim of improving all three productions (meat, milk, wool), while one of the more important and organised projects was "merinozation", ie., improving by Merino sheep. In spite of all controlled...
The aim of this study was to determine the productive traits of cows Simmental breed reared in the ...
Dobrobit farmskih životinja, među kojima su i ribe, u svetu je poseban značaj dobila u toku poslednj...
In numerous recommendations for nutrition of persons suffering from Celiak disease caused by permane...
The effect of sire breed (Swedish landrace and large White), sires within the breed, genotype, sex a...
U Hrvatskoj se ovce uzgajaju stoljećima, a genetsko bogatstvo ovčarstva temelji se na velikom broju ...
In this paper the review of sheep feeding in traditional animal production in Montenegro is describe...
The production of milk in a sheep breed households was 128.05 kg, with variations between 123.14 and...
Analysis results regarding the external traits of breeding eggs quality originating from Leghorn bre...
Ovčarska proizvodnja u Republici Hrvatskoj temelji se na izvornim pasminama ovaca uglavnom kombinira...
Investigation was carried out on three groups of kids of Domestic White breed and its crosses with S...
Ovčije meso, što podrazumeva i kategoriju jagnjećeg mesa, koriste potrošači širom sveta u svim kultu...
Breeding of wheat and barley has a significant contribution to the achievement of high yields, bette...
Među najvažnije pasmine ovaca koje se u Hrvatskoj koriste za proizvodnju mlijeka spadaju paška, brač...
Application of zeolite in the diet of pigs showed multiple effects, and its application as a specifi...
Uzgoj janjadi za meso u Republici Hrvatskoj je tradicionalan način proizvodnje. Kako se ne bi naruši...
The aim of this study was to determine the productive traits of cows Simmental breed reared in the ...
Dobrobit farmskih životinja, među kojima su i ribe, u svetu je poseban značaj dobila u toku poslednj...
In numerous recommendations for nutrition of persons suffering from Celiak disease caused by permane...
The effect of sire breed (Swedish landrace and large White), sires within the breed, genotype, sex a...
U Hrvatskoj se ovce uzgajaju stoljećima, a genetsko bogatstvo ovčarstva temelji se na velikom broju ...
In this paper the review of sheep feeding in traditional animal production in Montenegro is describe...
The production of milk in a sheep breed households was 128.05 kg, with variations between 123.14 and...
Analysis results regarding the external traits of breeding eggs quality originating from Leghorn bre...
Ovčarska proizvodnja u Republici Hrvatskoj temelji se na izvornim pasminama ovaca uglavnom kombinira...
Investigation was carried out on three groups of kids of Domestic White breed and its crosses with S...
Ovčije meso, što podrazumeva i kategoriju jagnjećeg mesa, koriste potrošači širom sveta u svim kultu...
Breeding of wheat and barley has a significant contribution to the achievement of high yields, bette...
Među najvažnije pasmine ovaca koje se u Hrvatskoj koriste za proizvodnju mlijeka spadaju paška, brač...
Application of zeolite in the diet of pigs showed multiple effects, and its application as a specifi...
Uzgoj janjadi za meso u Republici Hrvatskoj je tradicionalan način proizvodnje. Kako se ne bi naruši...
The aim of this study was to determine the productive traits of cows Simmental breed reared in the ...
Dobrobit farmskih životinja, među kojima su i ribe, u svetu je poseban značaj dobila u toku poslednj...
In numerous recommendations for nutrition of persons suffering from Celiak disease caused by permane...