We studied effect of sowing rate of sainfoin in two years of investigation (2002 and 2003) in agro ecological conditions of Timočka Krajina. The highest annually seed yield has obtained with 80 cm row to row distance and 40 kg/ha sowing rate (474 kg/ha), than with 50 cm distance and 90 kg/ha sowing rate (448kg/ha), and the lowest with 20 cm distance and 190 kg/ha sowing rate (319kg/ha). Average yield of seed was 201 kg/ha in the first year of investigation (2002), and 635 kg/ha in the second year (2003). Sowing rate has affected investigated germination, 1000 seed weight. Effect of sowing rate on number of hard seed is not significant.U agroekološkim uslovima Istočne Srbije izvršeno je ispitivanje uticaja različitih gustina useva na prinos ...
Harvest and processing of soya bean seed are of the crucial importance for maintenance of seed quali...
During the 2007-2009 period in the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops a study was ...
Posljednjih godina u Hrvatskoj je sve popularniji uzgoj uljne tikve čije su sjemenke bogate uljem, v...
Out of approximately 100 seed traits, 20 are of the marketing importance, and 10-15, including the 1...
The analyses were performed with the hybrid seeds of four hybrid combinations derived at the Maize R...
U ovom radu ispitivali smo broj semena salate (Lactuca sativa L.) po biljci u dva roka setve Pretpos...
Setev in reproduktivno razraščanje sta ključna dejavnika tvorbe pridelka žit. Namen raziskave je bil...
The trials were carried out in the regular production of the seed maize ZP 680 at the agricultural e...
Field test was conducted in 2006 on experimental field of Institute of field and vegetable crops in ...
Da bi ugotavljali vplive različnega okolja na kalivost semen travniških rastlin skozi daljše časovno...
Na pokušalištu Agronomskog fakultete u Zagrebu 2019. godine provedeno je istraživanje čiji je cilj b...
Tyrimai atlikti 2019 – 2020 metais M. Beleškos ekologiniame ūkyje. Tyrimų objektas: skirtingos sėkl...
The experiments took into account four cultivars origin from different agroclimacteric regions, usua...
Namen diplomskega dela je bil preučiti optimalni čas setve baldrijana (Valeriana officinalis L.), vp...
In this paper results of two year research regarding the yield and quality of white mustard seed obt...
Harvest and processing of soya bean seed are of the crucial importance for maintenance of seed quali...
During the 2007-2009 period in the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops a study was ...
Posljednjih godina u Hrvatskoj je sve popularniji uzgoj uljne tikve čije su sjemenke bogate uljem, v...
Out of approximately 100 seed traits, 20 are of the marketing importance, and 10-15, including the 1...
The analyses were performed with the hybrid seeds of four hybrid combinations derived at the Maize R...
U ovom radu ispitivali smo broj semena salate (Lactuca sativa L.) po biljci u dva roka setve Pretpos...
Setev in reproduktivno razraščanje sta ključna dejavnika tvorbe pridelka žit. Namen raziskave je bil...
The trials were carried out in the regular production of the seed maize ZP 680 at the agricultural e...
Field test was conducted in 2006 on experimental field of Institute of field and vegetable crops in ...
Da bi ugotavljali vplive različnega okolja na kalivost semen travniških rastlin skozi daljše časovno...
Na pokušalištu Agronomskog fakultete u Zagrebu 2019. godine provedeno je istraživanje čiji je cilj b...
Tyrimai atlikti 2019 – 2020 metais M. Beleškos ekologiniame ūkyje. Tyrimų objektas: skirtingos sėkl...
The experiments took into account four cultivars origin from different agroclimacteric regions, usua...
Namen diplomskega dela je bil preučiti optimalni čas setve baldrijana (Valeriana officinalis L.), vp...
In this paper results of two year research regarding the yield and quality of white mustard seed obt...
Harvest and processing of soya bean seed are of the crucial importance for maintenance of seed quali...
During the 2007-2009 period in the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops a study was ...
Posljednjih godina u Hrvatskoj je sve popularniji uzgoj uljne tikve čije su sjemenke bogate uljem, v...