A three - year trial (2005 - 2007) was conducted with the objective of studying the influence of soil type (chernozem and brown forest soil), nitrogen rates (no N control variant, PKNfon, PKN60, PKN120 and PKN180) and hybrids of different maturity classes and length of vegetation period (ZPSC 434, ZPSC 578 and ZPSC 677) on morphological and yield properties, yield components and grain yield, water content in grain, nitrogen content in leaf and grain, nitrogen uptake including corn grain quality properties. During corn seed sowing but also in the phases of corn cob flowering and the physiological maturity of grain, both the dynamics of the microbiological activity and that of mineral nitrogen in soil were monitored to a depth of 30 and 90 cm...
Istraživanja su obavljena u vinogradu i nasadu jabuke sa dva tipa raspršivača, aksijalni (Hardi Zatu...
The importance of alfalfa in Serbian agriculture, as well as its high market value, imposes a consta...
Saline soils (halomorphic soils) are present in Vojvodina over an area of c. 150,000 ha as two soil ...
U trogodišnjem periodu (2005 – 2007. godine) vršena su istraživanja uticaja tipa zemljišta (černozem...
Određivanje mobilnosti i biopristupačnosti metala u tlu predstavlja osnovu za procjenu rizika od nji...
Održivost u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji se u velikoj meri zasniva na povećanju biodiverziteta i sman...
Citoplazmatična muška sterilnost (CMS) odavno se koristi u proizvodnjihibridnog semena kukuruza, jer...
The Kosjerić municipality is located in the north of the Zlatiborski region and total land area is ...
The Kosjerić municipality is located in the north of the Zlatiborski region and total land area is 4...
Jedan od ključnih limitirajućih činitelja u proizvodnji krme na travnjacima jest nedovoljna opskrba ...
In organic production systems, production of sweet corn, which is used exclusively for human consump...
This study was aimed at assessing the floristic composition of weeds, studying properties of differe...
Fruit production under arid conditions without irrigation implies the need to employ soil cultivati...
One of the most popular worldwide problem, especially in the last few decades is soil degradation re...
Adoption and improvement of different tillage systems toward agricultural sustainability has a grea...
Istraživanja su obavljena u vinogradu i nasadu jabuke sa dva tipa raspršivača, aksijalni (Hardi Zatu...
The importance of alfalfa in Serbian agriculture, as well as its high market value, imposes a consta...
Saline soils (halomorphic soils) are present in Vojvodina over an area of c. 150,000 ha as two soil ...
U trogodišnjem periodu (2005 – 2007. godine) vršena su istraživanja uticaja tipa zemljišta (černozem...
Određivanje mobilnosti i biopristupačnosti metala u tlu predstavlja osnovu za procjenu rizika od nji...
Održivost u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji se u velikoj meri zasniva na povećanju biodiverziteta i sman...
Citoplazmatična muška sterilnost (CMS) odavno se koristi u proizvodnjihibridnog semena kukuruza, jer...
The Kosjerić municipality is located in the north of the Zlatiborski region and total land area is ...
The Kosjerić municipality is located in the north of the Zlatiborski region and total land area is 4...
Jedan od ključnih limitirajućih činitelja u proizvodnji krme na travnjacima jest nedovoljna opskrba ...
In organic production systems, production of sweet corn, which is used exclusively for human consump...
This study was aimed at assessing the floristic composition of weeds, studying properties of differe...
Fruit production under arid conditions without irrigation implies the need to employ soil cultivati...
One of the most popular worldwide problem, especially in the last few decades is soil degradation re...
Adoption and improvement of different tillage systems toward agricultural sustainability has a grea...
Istraživanja su obavljena u vinogradu i nasadu jabuke sa dva tipa raspršivača, aksijalni (Hardi Zatu...
The importance of alfalfa in Serbian agriculture, as well as its high market value, imposes a consta...
Saline soils (halomorphic soils) are present in Vojvodina over an area of c. 150,000 ha as two soil ...