A Vegetational Characterization Of Cliff Faces In The Linville Gorge Wilderness Area

  • NC DOCKS at Appalachian State University
  • Smith, Peter
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Publication date
January 1998


Throughout North America few ecosystems have escaped disturbance associated with the rapid expansion of humans. Cliff-face ecosystems are largely undisturbed and some represent ancient pre-settlement forests. However, even these habitats are now being disturbed by rock climbing and rappelling. There were three objectives to this study. First, to characterize cliff-face plant and lichen vegetation on Linville Gorge cliff faces. Second, to compare plant and lichencommunities on cliff-edge rock outcrops to those on cliff faces. The third objective ofthis study was to compare vegetation type and percent cover of climbed and unclimbedcliff faces in the Linville Gorge Wildemess Area

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