Modelling of Lithium Whisker Dissolution

  • Werres, Martin Alexander
  • Latz, Arnulf
  • Horstmann, Birger
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Publication date
March 2021


In the search for next generation batteries, lithium metal anode research experiences a refreshed attention due to its high theoretical energy density. Focus lies on enhancing the durability of lithium metal anode batteries and eliminating safety concerns. The battery capacity fades over cycling due to continuous SEI buildup, consuming lithium and electrolyte, and the formation of inactive lithium, which is electrically disconnected from the anode. As the surface of the anode is highly irregular and tends to form whisker during charging, experiments show that during discharge, the tip of the whisker is not dissolved and a droplet stays behind inside the SEI shell. We developed a generalized phase-field model of the dissolution in order...

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