The cosmos described by Guaman Poma is, on the one hand, similar to that found in the biblical Genesis, and on the other hand, to the one in the Myth of the five Suns of the culture nahuatl. Guaman Poma is a Ladino or Latin Indian, who writes in 16th-century Spanish. From an ethnic angle, he is a pure Quechuan, but from the cultural angle, he is a Westernized Quechuan. Hispanicized and hybrid, Phelipe Guaman (Falcon) Poma (Cougar, American Lion) de Ayala has a good command of Spanish. His book is a hybrid or mestizo Codex: on the odd pages there is always a drawing which shows influence of the Western perspective; on the even pages, a text talks about the drawings. Each written page translates or talks about the drawing. Just as, in view of...