Many young children in the United States spend a substantial amount of time in the care of family child care providers. Previous research has found that when providers are sensitive and responsive to children\u27s needs, children are more likely to develop secure attachment relationships with their providers, which, in turn, have been linked to many developmental benefits for young children. Unfortunately, it appears that many children do not experience the levels of caregiving sensitivity that are necessary to develop secure attachment relationships with their providers and that increased child-related training is not always effective at improving provider caregiving behaviors. Attachment theory suggests that a caregiver\u27s own working m...
Addressed to trainers of infant day care providers, this presentation indicates knowledge and skills...
Infants and toddlers the youngest and most vulnerable members of our society are more likely to expe...
This study\u27s purpose was to understand what family child care providers perceive as important asp...
Basic communication skills are foundational for children\u27s success in school and are dependent la...
Over the past several decades, women have entered the workforce in increasing numbers. This has led ...
Today, most children experience some form of non-parental child care before entering school. The po...
Abstract The aim of this study was to determine whether maternal sensitivity acts as a mediator in...
A child\u27s early attachment experiences can have a lasting impact on later development. Early atta...
This exploratory quantitative study was an attempt to address the dearth of research regarding the u...
Because numerous studies show that early child-adult attachment significantly affects a child’s soci...
Research Findings:Adults’ attitudes about attachment relationships are central to how they perceive ...
International audienceThe purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth understanding of how chil...
Social/emotional competencies have been identified as some of the most important abilities that supp...
This thesis includes three papers; a systematic review, an empirical paper and a critical appraisal ...
Attachment theory has been generating creative and impactful research for almost half a century. In ...
Addressed to trainers of infant day care providers, this presentation indicates knowledge and skills...
Infants and toddlers the youngest and most vulnerable members of our society are more likely to expe...
This study\u27s purpose was to understand what family child care providers perceive as important asp...
Basic communication skills are foundational for children\u27s success in school and are dependent la...
Over the past several decades, women have entered the workforce in increasing numbers. This has led ...
Today, most children experience some form of non-parental child care before entering school. The po...
Abstract The aim of this study was to determine whether maternal sensitivity acts as a mediator in...
A child\u27s early attachment experiences can have a lasting impact on later development. Early atta...
This exploratory quantitative study was an attempt to address the dearth of research regarding the u...
Because numerous studies show that early child-adult attachment significantly affects a child’s soci...
Research Findings:Adults’ attitudes about attachment relationships are central to how they perceive ...
International audienceThe purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth understanding of how chil...
Social/emotional competencies have been identified as some of the most important abilities that supp...
This thesis includes three papers; a systematic review, an empirical paper and a critical appraisal ...
Attachment theory has been generating creative and impactful research for almost half a century. In ...
Addressed to trainers of infant day care providers, this presentation indicates knowledge and skills...
Infants and toddlers the youngest and most vulnerable members of our society are more likely to expe...
This study\u27s purpose was to understand what family child care providers perceive as important asp...