The story of Kaspar Hauser was presented on film by Werner Herzog. This film shows a wild child, incarcerated, without any social or verbal contact until around his 16 years. This child when taken to a german community, becomes an object of curiosity and study, because he could not express himself, to understand, to think, or even distinguish dreams from reality. During the time he was in this community, could be observed his development in language and socialization. This paper reflects on the linguistic and social developments from Kaspar Hauser, under the socio-interactionist Vygotskian bias. It is noteworthy that the interaction with another person was crucial to the development and learning issues to the film's protagonist.A história d...
U ovom završnome radu su prikazani neki od aspekata filmske antropologije s naglaskom na Wernera Her...
Considering the hypothesis that Bakhtin and his Circle's reflections can help us think about issues ...
Przedmiotem pracy jest analiza dwóch tekstów kultury opartych na legendzie Kaspara Hausera: spektakl...
A história de Kaspar Hauser foi retratada em filme pelo autor Werner Herzog. Este filme apresenta um...
This article relates the history of the linguistic behavior of the protagonist of the film The Kaspa...
Com base na teoria piagetiana, enfocando as relações pensamento e linguagem, esse artigo tenta traça...
A partir de uma abordagem histórico-cultural em Psicologia, este trabalho analisa o percurso de dese...
A partir de uma abordagem histórico-cultural em Psicologia, este trabalho analisa o percurso de dese...
Każdy człowiek to przepaść. Kręci się w głowie, gdy spojrzeć w dół – powiedział Woyzeck, bohater fil...
This phenomenological study reflects on the question of freedom, based on an analysis of the movie “...
Este trabalho pretende analisar a obra de documentários do cineasta alemão Werner Herzog sob a ótica...
Der deutsche Schriftsteller Jakob Wassermann Wassermann (geb. am 10. März 1873 in Fürth, gest. am 1....
Que algo fala antes, em outro lugar e independentemente fixando a primazia do interdiscurso sobre o ...
“The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser” by Werner Herzog could be treated as an allegory of the human conditio...
Inglês: The current study analyzes how two five-year old children from different cultural background...
U ovom završnome radu su prikazani neki od aspekata filmske antropologije s naglaskom na Wernera Her...
Considering the hypothesis that Bakhtin and his Circle's reflections can help us think about issues ...
Przedmiotem pracy jest analiza dwóch tekstów kultury opartych na legendzie Kaspara Hausera: spektakl...
A história de Kaspar Hauser foi retratada em filme pelo autor Werner Herzog. Este filme apresenta um...
This article relates the history of the linguistic behavior of the protagonist of the film The Kaspa...
Com base na teoria piagetiana, enfocando as relações pensamento e linguagem, esse artigo tenta traça...
A partir de uma abordagem histórico-cultural em Psicologia, este trabalho analisa o percurso de dese...
A partir de uma abordagem histórico-cultural em Psicologia, este trabalho analisa o percurso de dese...
Każdy człowiek to przepaść. Kręci się w głowie, gdy spojrzeć w dół – powiedział Woyzeck, bohater fil...
This phenomenological study reflects on the question of freedom, based on an analysis of the movie “...
Este trabalho pretende analisar a obra de documentários do cineasta alemão Werner Herzog sob a ótica...
Der deutsche Schriftsteller Jakob Wassermann Wassermann (geb. am 10. März 1873 in Fürth, gest. am 1....
Que algo fala antes, em outro lugar e independentemente fixando a primazia do interdiscurso sobre o ...
“The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser” by Werner Herzog could be treated as an allegory of the human conditio...
Inglês: The current study analyzes how two five-year old children from different cultural background...
U ovom završnome radu su prikazani neki od aspekata filmske antropologije s naglaskom na Wernera Her...
Considering the hypothesis that Bakhtin and his Circle's reflections can help us think about issues ...
Przedmiotem pracy jest analiza dwóch tekstów kultury opartych na legendzie Kaspara Hausera: spektakl...