The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the integration of different film franchises based on the superheroes of the Marvel Comics publisher. In this narrative reality, superheroes coexist in the same universe, influencing each other's stories and culminating in the formation of the team The Avengers. The shared universe, narrative and creative strategy widely explored in comic books, then gains an audiovisual version that revolutionized the cinema of the 21st century. The present research aims to analyze the recriation of the concept of shared universe of comics in the cinema taking as object of study the films of the first phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Iron Man (2008), The Incredible Hulk (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), Thor (2011), Captain...
O presente trabalho apresenta uma análise do aplicativo para dispositivos móveis da editora de histó...
In order to problematize the female bodies that inhabit films centered on superheroines, we analyze ...
The primary objective of the present thesis was to determine the extent of intertextual coherence an...
Transmedia narrative universes and their multiverses have become the largest sources of audiovisual ...
This article deals with mediatization by the young audience in narrative development and in the conv...
Com o avanço tecnológico das últimas décadas, mesmo as formas de expressão artística mais antigas e ...
This article deals with mediatization by the young audience in narrative development and in the conv...
30 páginasTransmedia narrative universes and their multiverses have become the lar-gest sources of a...
Autor w pracy poddaje analizie jedną z największych opowieści transmedialnych, jaka występuje w dzis...
The article addresses the subjectivities contained in the graphic novel Marvels, by Busiek and Ross,...
The present work seeks to problematize issues related to representativeness in Captain Marvel (2019)...
-Este trabalho busca analisar e compreender as conexões narrativas em diferentes mídias na construçã...
Introduction (part): Marvel Studios have asserted themselves as the creators of one of the biggest, ...
Marvel Studios has provided some of the biggest worldwide cinematic hits of the last eight years, fr...
O presente trabalho busca compreender como Carol Danvers, super-heroína conhecida como Capitã Marvel...
O presente trabalho apresenta uma análise do aplicativo para dispositivos móveis da editora de histó...
In order to problematize the female bodies that inhabit films centered on superheroines, we analyze ...
The primary objective of the present thesis was to determine the extent of intertextual coherence an...
Transmedia narrative universes and their multiverses have become the largest sources of audiovisual ...
This article deals with mediatization by the young audience in narrative development and in the conv...
Com o avanço tecnológico das últimas décadas, mesmo as formas de expressão artística mais antigas e ...
This article deals with mediatization by the young audience in narrative development and in the conv...
30 páginasTransmedia narrative universes and their multiverses have become the lar-gest sources of a...
Autor w pracy poddaje analizie jedną z największych opowieści transmedialnych, jaka występuje w dzis...
The article addresses the subjectivities contained in the graphic novel Marvels, by Busiek and Ross,...
The present work seeks to problematize issues related to representativeness in Captain Marvel (2019)...
-Este trabalho busca analisar e compreender as conexões narrativas em diferentes mídias na construçã...
Introduction (part): Marvel Studios have asserted themselves as the creators of one of the biggest, ...
Marvel Studios has provided some of the biggest worldwide cinematic hits of the last eight years, fr...
O presente trabalho busca compreender como Carol Danvers, super-heroína conhecida como Capitã Marvel...
O presente trabalho apresenta uma análise do aplicativo para dispositivos móveis da editora de histó...
In order to problematize the female bodies that inhabit films centered on superheroines, we analyze ...
The primary objective of the present thesis was to determine the extent of intertextual coherence an...