Educative booklet for promotion of maternal sel-efficacy in infantile diarrhea prevention : elaboration and validation

  • Sabino, Leidiane Minervina Moraes de
Publication date
January 2016


The infantile diarrhea persists between the main causes of hospitalization and death among children under 5 years old. Therefore, it is necessary the elaboration of educational material that searches to increase the maternal self-efficacy in the infantile diarrhea prevention. An educational booklet was aimed to be created and validated by content judges, technical judges and the target audience to promote maternal self-efficacy in the prevention of infantile diarrhea. It`s about a methodological development study in which an educational booklet “You can prevent your child from diarrhea!” was elaborated using the Bandura’s self-efficacy theory as theoretical referential and using the scale of maternal self-efficacy for infantile diarrhea pre...

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