Lau Man Chun Patrick."Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 1998-99, design report."Includes bibliographical references.Chapter ´Ø --- AcknowledgementsChapter ´Ø --- PreludeChapter 1. --- Introduction and summaryChapter ´Ø --- Issues and GoalsChapter ´Ø --- Environmental problems has educational rootsChapter ´Ø --- Environmental educationChapter ´Ø --- Environmental education in Hong KongChapter ´Ø --- The importance of primary experience in the natural environmentChapter ´Ø --- OpportunitiesChapter ´Ø --- ConclusionsChapter ´Ø --- SummaryChapter ´Ø --- Hypothetical clientChapter ´Ø --- SiteChapter ´Ø --- Financial considerationChapter 2. --- The Project BriefChapter ´Ø --- Site and Const...